Makako Jones

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Too Big for Dodgeball
12/7/2014 9:21pm

I hope you guys are happy.

Unicron did a real number on the back of the gym with his rapid deployment "smart fun" dodgeball targeting cannons. Luckily the Incan Mind Wrestling team had cleared out before it collapsed.

I didn't think Unicron would take it so hard, though. I mean, he seemed like, way older than the rest of us. I figured he'd have some kind of, I dunno, maturity? Perspective?

And for the record, I wasn't personally behind cutting him from the team. We could have had the longest winning streak in Psychic Dodgeball History! But it was a team decision, so I did what had to be done.

And BTW, Bill, I don't think you can claim to be the one who "started" this team. Who got our intramural charter signed? Who signed out for the practice space? Who arranged our promotional contracts with Gatorade, Mt. Dew, and Perrier-Jouet? Who put their heart and soul into getting this team to the very top?!!

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12/7/2014 9:20pm

cough cough

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Too Big for Dodgeball
11/19/2014 9:51pm

Not the way we play it! Meet us in the parking lot behind the gym after school on Friday, @Unicron. And welcome to the team!

Too Big for Dodgeball
11/19/2014 9:42pm

Hey, @Unicron! Ever play any dodgeball?

Too Big for Dodgeball
11/18/2014 2:02pm

Now that @ralph mouse has been given a clean bill of health by the clinic - how's everybody feel about getting together again for practice? But this time, no artificial enhancements. As in, @teddy twenty_two's super pills.

Who's with me? The Freaking Freaks get Big again!

Too Big for Dodgeball
11/3/2014 12:22pm

Alrighty, team mates! Ralph got out of the hospital this morning. Well, ok, it wasn't the hospital, but that abandoned blimp hangar off the southern end of school grounds. But the school nurse was there and says that he's stabilized or at least isn't getting any bigger. She says that he can come out to practice tomorrow if he takes it easy.

So, let's keep meeting on the soccer field i the east woods. And we still need a name, guys!!! First game is next Friday, against the Greenville Gremlins. It's an away game, as all our games are going to have to be, because nobody can find there freaking way to this freakshow of a freakschool!! Well, we are definitely going to get our freak on, am I right??!

Too Big for Dodgeball
10/27/2014 5:43pm

Who would be up for starting a dodgeball team where we are all giants? Even though we'll make big targets, I think it would be really satisfying. We could make it an intramural team, and play regionally.

10/22/2014 8:31pm

I don't mind the kids and their freakin freak out powers so much, but those can make me mad too. But what I really hate about this school is their damn tests. This is the 21st century people! And a freakin' PSYCHIC SCHOOL for freak's sake. Don't go testin me with some 14 page multiple choice bullfreak freakstained freaktest. My powers don't fit into your stupid parrot freak and refreak prison box, you freaks.

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10/22/2014 8:30pm

Sometimes this school makes me so mad!!!!

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