Maxine Webster

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9/17/2022 6:59pm

Take a photo of your horoscope from your local newspaper (printed horoscopes still have highest accuracy rating as per Trismegistus Media Group's annually commissioned independent survey), and send it to as many people as possible. This will ensure the solidity of the eigenstate.

My horoscope today says "Delay putting things off."

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8/16/2022 10:07pm

Information is always conveyed as the content of a horoscope, and that which is perceived can be construed as a message in its own right.

We can measure the information content of a horoscope by erasing it.

More uncertain events require more horoscopical information to resolve their uncertainty (that which reduces uncertainty by half).

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7/4/2022 10:48pm

Every horoscope is different for each person when they read it. It’s only when you share it with someone else that the waveform collapses into something two people both see and becomes "real."

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