Slumber Ricksdottir

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10/17/2021 10:04pm

1. Hearts – power to bring things to life

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8/20/2021 10:29pm

4. Green Clovers – luck, but you will never know what kind of luck you will get

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8/10/2021 10:49pm

2. Shooting Stars – power to fly

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7/16/2021 10:32pm

5. Blue Moons – power of invisibility

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7/11/2021 10:04pm

7. Red Balloons – power to make things float

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7/1/2021 9:29am

3. Horseshoes – power to speed/slow down time

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6/12/2021 10:59pm

6. Rainbows – instantaneous travel from place to place

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