Big Brain in the Basement

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- 5/11/2016 5:55am

Sorry Guys. For The. Lack Of. Talking, Recently.

Currently, At. The Moment. I Am. Occupied With. Something Here. At Psyhigh.

I Was. Wandering One. Of The. Basements Here. And I. Found Some. Teal Colored.

Slime All. Over The. Floor.

I Accidentally. Slipped In. It, And. I Got. It In. My Mouth. Because I'm. Not Smart.

I Think. Something May. Be Wrong. With Me. Now, Sadly. My Skin. Has Started. To

Turn. A Teal. Color.

Does Anybody. Have An. Idea What. Is Going. On. With Me.

Thank. You.

Big Jim
- 5/11/2016 9:17am

Hello Students!

Big Jim here, back and better than ever after my personality was professionally repaired by the experts at the Psy Corp Mental Reconstruction Dept. I've got a clean bill of health, and am cleared up to a Level XI on the Gibbs scale. Thank goodness for Psyhigh's great health care benefits.

Things have gotten a bit lax since I've been away, and I'm afraid some doors to the cellar were left unlocked. As you know, the cellar is the lair of the Spongiform Unimind, the ultimate expression of Psyhigh's psychic databank. It's generally self sufficient, but does fill portions of the basement with its ooze, byproducts, nutrients, and waste material.

If you come in contact with any of its juices, be they ochre, cerulean, or especially teal, @xiirth, be sure to check your Psyhigh Student Handbook for detailed instructions on what to expect and what actions may be necessary.

Here's to a great finish to spring term everybody!


Big Jim
Student Activities Coordinator
Class of '99

Miranda Ashdove
- 5/11/2016 12:37pm

hey @xiirth , the handbook says to wash yourself with phoenix blood and chant 'em esnaelc ot stirips eht nopu sllac lous ym, sdrib erif fo doolb eht htiw, ereh'

Hope that helps save time cause it took me hours of combing through all 7582659 pages of the handbook to find it. And of course the pages keep changing and shuffling the words around...

- 5/11/2016 1:03pm

I Would. Check My. Student Handbook. However, It. Seems I. Have Left. My Student.

Handbook. At My Dorm. Room, Unfortunately. I Cannot. Find My. Way Out.

OH. Dear.

Elsa Of Arendelle
- 4/12/2017 5:09pm

what is the color of the minds reproductive fluid

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