Children's Circle Memories

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Violet Stirling
- 11/11/2016 2:36pm

Oh! The Children's Circle!
Does anyone remember the Eye-Eyedentifying classes? And that one time Prof. Zora accidentally exploded those very High-Psychic-Levelled Red Mars Dragon eyes? My face is still stained red from that! I thought that stain was a birthmark!
And remember the hollow tree? Where we would sneak out and make potions in? I always liked the glittery potions. Especially the purple one that bubbled a lot (I forgot the name! It's been a long time! I think it had something to do with healing burns, or something).

Crystal Rosethorn
- 11/11/2016 7:51pm

Yes,indeed. Anyone remember that one time when that one boy(billy i thin it was) Accidently levitated up to the ceiling and couldn't come down for a week? Or when the baby dragons all got loose!

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