Diggs' Vocal Transcriber Log

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Terra Diggs
- 11/22/2022 9:53pm

*Recorder Clicks on*
T: *Cough Cough* "Hello hello, 1234. Okay cool. This is Diggs from the disaster response club. Our bunker had a slight... cave-in that... um... slightly trapped me for... five months. The other club members weren't in the bunker at the time luckily but canned food gets old

Terra Diggs
- 11/22/2022 10:04pm

*Recorder clicks on* *The sound of a distant crowd*
T: Hi, Diggs again. I don't know where the other members went,maybe they exist on a higher plane now or something but as the last currently known member of Disaster Club I will be formally ending Disaster Club. If anyone has follow up questions I'm currently outside the burger shack that's name changes every time you look away from it.

Terra Diggs
- 11/26/2022 6:36pm

*Recorder clicks on*
T: Hello, I haven't really had a lot to say here lately, at least nothing interesting, The High has been surprisingly normal lately. Sure there's those younger students driving around at all hours of the night but its not a bee cult or anything. I've been trying to get a job on campus while things are cooled down. I'll keep y'all posted on how that's going.

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