Old Memories Sinking in a standstill

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- 1/18/2016 6:54pm


I seem to be at a standstill.

No one seems to recognize me.

No one I know is here... except for @Nobody. Maybe.

I'm not sure how I should get started back up again. Or if I should. Should I...? I don't know.

I'm not sure what I know.

I've been gone for so long. I need interaction. I need connection with somebody, anybody.

Please respond. Even if it's to just say hello.

Tell me what's been going on. Who you are. What I've missed. If you know or remember me. What have you heard about me?

I want to be your friend.


jessica moon
- 1/20/2016 8:23am

I remember you. I remember you farther than a violin remembers the melodies it created. The color of your voice floats vibrantly inside my head and I tap my fingers along with the strumming of each vibration.

Lost. But not found yet despite my head being placed squarely on my shoulders. I breath without air.

The softness of my skin becomes hard as stone. I am not alive.

He left me broken and torn as he strayed from me. My heart was thrown into a wall shattering into a billion thousand pieces. I became fragments myself. My arm tossed into the raging sea and I grasped that pencil firmly inside my fist and stabbed it into my eyes.

Clearly though, despite seeing in red, I see you now.

A long lost friend.

A tie I wish to sew, a seam through me and you so we both can stop being so lost. And return to a place we once knew...

A place called home.

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