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5/9/2018 12:03pm

Im here, but where am I?

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5/9/2018 1:03pm


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11/21/2018 8:54pm

cant wait to meet ya. see ya soon enough. anyone wanna have a slumber party with me? im really bored and need some excitement. I would love to romp around with yall. I remember my first trip to the cafeteria. that's where I met that little girl. she was cute and apparently likes cake. I also had a run in with cotton boy. how is he? im guessing that hes not very happy right now LOL. what can I order at the cafeteria? I have a thing for seafood. play with me! im bored! I gots the slumber party fever XD.

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Psychic Snacks
11/21/2018 8:57pm

I love grilled cheese! psychic or not :D. feed me! we will be great friends!

11/22/2018 7:41pm

sooooooo…. how was everyones thanks giving? Im pretty sure some of you had a nice party. im also pretty sure that one group had a native American "guest" XD. how did it taste? HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! :D

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11/30/2018 12:23pm

hello! still searching for me? look no further !I know its a hassle to find me especially when I'm sleeping. maybe someone can throw me a bone and somehow help me awaken when dreaming so I can find YOU. :D ive noticed people can't call to me, but I can call to them. BUT I rarely have enough awareness to do so. just a thought. or we could talk right here. either way works for me. I fond myself more and more interested in this school and would love to meet some of you, even though I understand some of the extra curricular activities many of you enjoy such as "bleeding the whistle" or "tag team bro matches". yes, you are a very interesting and lively bunch of individuals that i would love to call friends. ill be reading the posts every once and a while in hopes for a shout out or a message to me. happy hunting and see you soon one way or another. :D

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12/18/2018 6:31pm

The world is burning... isn't this fun? It is for me. :D

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12/23/2018 3:03pm

I'm going fishing!!! Anyone want a "pick me up?" I've got plenty. If you would like one, contact me and play my game. My games are high stakes so you probably don't wanna play. I'll be waiting :D.

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1/3/2019 6:24pm

anyone go to the ball at new years eve? i might go right now :D

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