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10/4/2015 4:56pm

OK, it may take longer than I had hoped to find them.

I hope I wont need to bulldoze the entire school to find them.

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10/4/2015 4:32pm

I believe I may have stumbled upon something great.
Something fantastical.
Something magical.

[Fireball@1{charge energy@2{2inches above left or right palm@3{change form of energy to fire}}]

If I was to wright that upon paper infused with crystal, I could cast a spell, creating a fireball above my left or right hand.

And I have discovered many more spells, but I wont tell you them (yet) after all, I cant have any of you becoming the immortal god-kings of the world before me can I? :P

I have yet to get the crystals needed to make the paper, So I cant really prove it or anything, but I know its true. If I somehow got my hands on the crystals I could change the the world. I have recently received an anonymous tip that some may be found growing in the school, I look forward to the possibility of finding them and learning what else this school has to offer,

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