Blake Winter

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LGBT+ club
10/23/2015 4:35pm

Hey, I think an LGBT+ group sounds fun. It's nice to meet other people who are like you, and all that good stuff. Etcetera. It isn't fantastic fun I have to say when you are just trying to get by and being questioned about your gender.

10/17/2015 10:40am

I've never really been good at keeping a journal. They always kind of stop after maybe a week or so, maybe more, if during the time, I'm feeling particularly saucy. They all stop though, out of laziness or just forgetting or whatever. Maybe this will be kind of different though.
Anyway, I'm finally here. Someone already asked if I'm a boy or a girl. I replied, "no, I'm a werewolf." More often than not, folk get all pissed off at me and stuff when they try and figure out my gender.
Apart from that, I enjoy classes. Academically it's not what I'm used to but it's not a bad change. Hopefully this is a change for the better.

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