Cameron Vyzesillus

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12/10/2023 4:08pm

I woke up this morning in my dorm. The last thing I remember is collapsing while trying to escape the cave that housed the drum circle. I can't tell if it was a dream or not. One way or another, I'm never going back there again.

I don't know what brought me back, and frankly, I don't want to know. I have a lot of school work to catch up on. I don't doubt that being gone for over a year may have demolished my already failing grade in Multiuniversal Biology.

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The Underground Sound
5/27/2022 8:38am

I heard another drum! I thought I would be running in circles until I starved, but someone else is here! I just need to follow the sound of the drum, and play my own in responce. I just hope we can get out of here alive.

The Underground Sound
5/10/2022 10:53am

I'm lost. I'll admit it. I don't know how to get out, and the cave keeps changing behind me. I can't hope to navigate it alone. All I have with me is emergency food and my drum. Water is plentiful, as I've found a river. Food isn't a problem, but it is finite. No fish in the river to replace my rations. All I can do is stay here and hope to be found. I'll play my drum to see if I can call someone to me. I can swear the crystals are laughing at me.

The Underground Sound
5/9/2022 5:29pm

Jesus, what's happened in my abscence? I was gone, working on mapping the cave. It goes deeper than I can sense, but I have a good idea. The deepest part is around 500 miles underground. This place is massive! Maybe if we keep drumming, we can descover more about what secrets lie within the Crystal Caverns.

The Underground Sound
3/28/2022 12:40pm

Something wierd happened in the cave. While we were drumming, a large crystal started pulsing with the rythm. This by itself isn't out of the ordinary. The strange part is that I swear it started producing a beat! This should be interesting.

The Underground Sound
3/23/2022 1:07pm

The new drum circle is going really well! We have some clones with us. Plus, our little fish friend seems to like everybody!

The Underground Sound
3/15/2022 10:23am

The crystal drum is great! The sound echoes around the cave to sound like there are at least 10 drums playing rather than one!

The Underground Sound
3/13/2022 8:18am

I finally figured out how to turn one of the cave crystals into a drum! It emits a dim red light and produces a deep, almost earth-shaking, bass boom. The sound fills the whole cave, and seems to have made the other crystals glow brighter! I think our fish friend likes the new drum too. He swam in figure-eights while I was playing.

I hope more people will join us soon. The cave might have more to it than I've found.

The Underground Sound
3/12/2022 3:19am

As the first drum circle was, this one was lonely. The fish in that cave seemed to like the drums though! The light from his scales started pulsing with the rythm! I named him James. Same time tonight, same place.

3/11/2022 10:49am

Ah, I should explain about the cave I mentioned earlier. Last weekend, I was on a walk through the woods. I saw the most beautiful fish jump out of a stream. Scales shining every color you can imagine. I ran after it to try and get a better look. The stream flowed over the edge of a hole in the ground. The fish fell into it. I sprinted around, trying to find another way in, and descovered the mouth of a cave that looked like it was made to be entered.

I walked down a passage illuminated by glowing crystals on the walls until I came to a huge cavern. The stream fell from the roof, shining a briliant shade of blue. In the center of the cave was a lake, which was glowing the same shade of electric blue as the giant crystal at the bottom. Swimming in it was the fish I was following.

I'm trying to revive the Drum Circle. I'll be hosting it at that cave. Midnight. Follow the stream. Bring a drum. Until then, I'll be trying to see if I can make a drum from one of the crystals.


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