Colleen Brown-Green

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Lonely Bus
7/13/2017 9:38am

My mom worked part time at the broom factory and the witches she met there were some of the kindest, warmest people on earth. The Strike Witches only arrived when conditions at the factory became so terrible that there was no other alternative.

Now, when I see a guy cracking a beer on his porch cleaning his gun and listening to his Witchfinder GPS it makes me so angry because witches have become this scapegoat for all the anger and inequality in the world, and tracking and hunting them has become some kind of patriotic ritual that only serves to maintain existing power structures that keep everybody down, witches and non-witches alike.

Lonely Bus
7/19/2017 2:02pm

I don't think Witchfinder GPS even actually works. Aside from the occasional unexplained disappearance of a Witchfinder GPS user, you never hear about somebody successfully finding a witch with it, do you? And the Witchfinder Corporation seems pretty shady. Have you seen their website?

Even if doesn't actually work, it's still dangerous because it promotes witch-hunts, which isn't good for anybody. Except people who sell witch hunting gear. And related items.