D. King

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5/30/2016 7:27am

Okay, Hi Psyhigh. I'm D. King. D is short for deer, and King is just my surname. As my name implies, I am a deer. I am proud to be a deer, but as you can imagine, it makes living among humans a bitch. I find that all deer are naturally cynical. I am currently attending an actual high school; American History II actually, and I have to take notes, so I guess I'll just copy the notes onto this entry so I can read them later, and also cause i don't feel like struggling for 2 hours to pick up a pencil to write them in a slightly nibbled upon notebook.

Significant events of 1968
Tet Offensive
Assassination of MLK
Urban riots following MLK death
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
Lyndon B Johnson announces that we will not seek re-election
Violence in Chicago at the Democratic National Convention
Student protest sweep the nation on more than 100 campuses
Nixon is elected

I have my semi-loyal, Asian sidekick, Kasey, Anne Chu-Chi-Chong Teriyaki sitting beside me. She is nibbling on a rice cake like a mouse right now. Taunting me. Rice Cake. Rice. Cake. What a bitch, I enjoy rice cakes.

Nixon ending Vietnam War
"Vietnamization" of the war- Turn the war over to the Army of the Republic of Vietnam
Increased bombing campaigns on Hanoi and throughout N. Vietnam
Invasion of Cambodia (1970)in an effort to cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail- The main supply route from N. Vietnam to S. Vietnam
Diplomatic efforts to seek "peace with honor"

As a deer, I love all herb. Mainly weed. I eat a lot of weed, and therefore, am generally high. I am high. I am deer. History fact from class- during the Vietnam war, a small, secluded village called Weea Boo was directly hit by mortar fire. The resulting Jungle Deer, of no relation, transformed the village into a serene bath and spa retreat.

My Lai Incident
March 16, 1968
Over 300 Vietnamese civilians were killed by American soldiers
No enemy troops had suffered high casualties in the area, and were sent on a 'search and destroy' mission
The American public learned of the massacre sixteen months later
Public opinion turned against war to a greater extent

US invasion of Cambodia 1970
Massive and violent student protests broke out on more than 1200 college campuses
At Kent State OH, protests burned the ROTC building. National guard troops are called to restore order. Guardsmen fired on protesters- some hostile, some peaceful, and nine civilians are wounded, four are killed.
Jackson State University MI, twelve students are wounded and two are killed by national guard troops
Cambodia will be de-stabilized and this will open the way for one of the modern worlds most brutal regimes- the Khmer Rouge, under Pol Pot.

The number one cause of death in Vietnam was over watering. Chu Chi Chong is constantly trying to spy on me. It must be an ethnic thing. Maybe I don't know her as well as I thought I did. I get periodically anxious due to obscene hunting laws in rural NC. America has yet to host a civil rights movement for deer. This confuses and confounds me.

Pentagon Papers
1967-1968 military plans for organizing and conduction the war in Vietnam, and detail the war from 1945-1967
The papers demonstrated how the Johnson administration had no plans for ending the war
They showed a disparity in the actual casualty rates and what was being reported to the public.
The papers were leaked to the NYT by Daniel Ellsberg in 1971
Public opinion shifted against the war.

US War Reactions
People hated veterans
Communities shunned them, older vets regarded to them as failures
Drug use was often thought of as a veterans place

Post Saigon Fall of 1975
400000 S. Vietnamese officials from Republic of Vietnam are imprisoned for 're-education'
1.5 million refugees flee Vietnam
Civil war in Cambodia with more than a million people killed
Communism consumes Vietnam and Cambodia

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