Dick Greid

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2/3/2015 12:32am

Oh boy, were the birds grand. Thanks principal Hammer for organizing the bird visit! Unforgettable. One thing that I think should change is the pupils be allowed to bring in our phones so we can record the screeches -- we'll put them all on airplane mode -- promise. Other than that, a very deft example of our football team's superiority to the rest of the local league since I still have yet to meet a member of our brave team in the halls! Nobody gives me shit. It makes me wonder "what's wrong". . . I need to be getting shit right now.

That is one problem I have and I think my parents will bring this up at the Open House. I just hope they don't embarrass me and bring the elusive football team hidden in the Lockers of Hope to kick my ass. I do enjoy the new wing of the Lockers of Hope after that crazy incident that I think like three of our fellows were gunned down and killed. I can't remember when that was though.

I did happen to flunk memory class. So that could explain it.

But great birds! Thank you Mr. Hammer.

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11/11/2014 12:31am

I personally enrolled this semester to strengthen my business acumen. As a powerful regional business owner, I always find returning to school to be humbling and constructive as my team depends upon me to sign off on brilliant ideas I do not understand.

Other than my cousin telling me that "dude, you're totally psychic" ALL THE TIME, I figured PHS was a perfect fit for this next chapter in controlling other entities. The acceptance procedure consisted of two buttons on which to click -- which I found to be a handy feature in the application process. My cousin said "I told you so." How I didn't know it would be so easy is something I hope to hone from the highly rated faculty according to a website my cousin texted me later.

I went to visit the school and it was a single robot that greeted me! How cool is that? The rest of the faculty was "re-charging" in the lunch room and was told that I could meet the rest of the staff once they had been "logged into".

All in all, a good feeling about my decision to enroll and I am looking forward to meeting one and all.

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