Engel Massif

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Weird Thunderstorm Warning
8/14/2023 10:47pm

In my home country we call these green youth the Weather Witches. It's bad luck to capture one, unless you are my uncle Josef who knows how to make the right kind of cage out of pine switches and sinew and swan wings and bells. He says if you present one to your village it can make you a big man. A very important and powerful man.

Weird Thunderstorm Warning
9/9/2023 6:53pm

You heard the glorious call of the Mügel Horn this morning? That is right! Uncle Josef arrived from the Old Country and has captured the weather witch you call the Green Teen. I told you he was a big and important man! Now he has brought great honor to Psychic High School. 

The weather witch will be on display in its cage of sticks at the Back to School Stone Age Science Fair in the outdoor commons all weekend. Uncle Josef has also brought many delicious sausages and sweet fibniks and will hold the traditional Feast of Binding tomorrow afternoon. Includes signing and folkloric costume! Come and I will teach you to dance the Ba’Rimba!