Jacob Cassius

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11/11/2021 11:28am


I made some more poetry if you want to read it. it kinda has a theme
sorry if it's too dark

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jacob's poem book
11/11/2021 11:21am

red light

welcome to my first show
this will be good, I know
yes, this is my first show
so let's give it a go!

the lights shine bright
red, blue, green, white
but then it suddenly turns to night
oh, what a horrible fright

my guests are gone, none to be seen
was my show that bad, was it me, was I mean?
the lights are broken, except one beam
and I see him again, against the wall he lean

he stands there, in the red light
and reminds me about that one fight
the fight that took all living and made them dead
he said it was all my fault, under the light of red

jacob's poem book
11/8/2021 1:05pm

the man who follows me in the shadows

I've never known a greater fear
than the darkness that keeps growing near
I hear his voice in the shadows
and know he came from the gallows

the gallows where my mother had died
the gallows where my father had cried
the gallows where I lost my joy
the gallows where they lost their boy

I've heard his voice at night
and I've heard his voice in the light
it gets lonely, but then he speaks
and suddenly, fear sparks

I wish he would leave me alone....

Enter the Portal
11/8/2021 12:45pm

so glad I have my notebook

11/5/2021 6:50am

I'll be there, dont worry
ill be wearing my red sweater and black pants
my hair may or may not be red, depends on if i want to dye it or not

11/2/2021 11:38am

woah, thats amazing! and thanks for the costume

I really like your poem! its well written and its beautifully worded!!

Poem Collection
10/25/2021 1:05pm

I put this in my jornal
I didn't know there was a poetry place

The Abyss
a dark, desolate place with no light
a place I wish I could be at night
a place where fate is not written in stone
a place I visited, a place I call home

When I was alone
I visited the world unknown
and found my own
place to roam

The abyss is safe and sound
The abyss is where my heat is bound
I want to go back
but directions I lack

- Jacob Cassius

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10/25/2021 1:04pm

The Abyss
a dark, desolate place with no light
a place I wish I could be at night
a place where fate is not written in stone
a place I visited, a place I call home

When I was alone
I visited the world unknown
and found my own
place to roam

The abyss is safe and sound
The abyss is where my heat is bound
I want to go back
but directions I lack

- Jacob Cassius

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10/25/2021 12:45pm

been a while, hasn't it
how are you?
yes, I burned something but I won't tell you what because I dont want you to worry.
ready for halloween?

All Gates Open
10/22/2021 10:29am

@Cami Nullspace
what can I get for..... a cat doll, a book with no title, and a strange talking porcelain doll? wait... you can have the cat doll for free, I don't care

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