Joshua Myers

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On Bunnymen Prep
3/5/2020 10:33am

Well, thankfully, I can assure you @Jeremy Brown, that all Psyhigh students do not have a family member murdered within six months of enrolling. I’m a junior, and know lots of upper classmen, and frankly they are all murder-free.

Except for those students from.... THE MURDER UNIVERSE.

You can usually tell the students from the Murder Universe because of that haunted, hunted look. Or sometimes it’s the cold steely glint in their eye (if they’re from the Assassin caste). Overall it’s pretty harsh, which is why there’s a scholarship program for them to come to school in a universe that’s less murdery.

Maybe you’re in a Murder Universe dorm? I’d hate to think that you’ve accidentally crossed over to a Psyhigh Murder Universe parallel, which isn’t impossible, I suppose.

Like I said, I’m doing a report on the Murder Universe, so I’m real interested in any more info you might have.

On Bunnymen Prep
3/4/2020 7:38pm

Are you quoting directly from that chain letter from the Murder Universe, @Jeremy Brown? It’s not true. At least if you don’t live in the Murder Universe. You can ignore it, but DON’T send it on.

I’m actually doing a report on the Murder Universe, @Jeremy Brown. And I’d be very interested to know how you got ahold of that letter.