Lemony Green

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Psychic Fair and Rodeo 2021
7/31/2021 10:32pm

I don't know much about riding werewolves, but I love a good fair. Sign me up!

Psychic Fair and Rodeo 2021
8/27/2021 10:19pm

Wow. I've never been to a Psychic Rodeo before but that was awesome!

When I found out the moon phase wasn't right for Werewolf Riding, I figured I'd just attend as a spectator but boy was it worth it! How do those psychic cowpokes rope those ghosts anyway? I heard it's something about a silver lining.

First, the clowns (in their skeleton costumes) go to the center of the ring, then they uncork their bottles and the banshees fly out. Some kind of protective circle keeps them from flying into the crowd and entering into our mouths and stuff.

Then the cowpokes come out and have to rope one before the buzzer goes off. They say it doesn't hurt the spirits (on account of their uncorporealness) but they sure get caught and squeezed a bit. Then the cowpoke (boy or girl or whatever) has to land them and administer the final binding spell and raise their hands when it's done and that's their official time. That student @Heavenly Betsy got to the qualifying stage but still has to go against the cowpokes from Necromancy High and Ghostbusters High and some other heavy hitters. Totally going tomorrow night!