Lucas Arrum

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Feeling Down
1/21/2021 10:24am

Hey, I understand. I've felt that way many times in my life. And really, we have two options here: roll over and give up, or we can keep trudging on and pushing forwards. And who knows? Maybe you'll find something really cool and special just around the corner.

1/21/2021 9:26am

Hello there

1/20/2021 8:58am

I need a rumor about a... certain someone. He's stolen my identity and injected himself in my place. I believe his name is @Lucas Arrum . You are being deceived. He is not who he says he is.

1/19/2021 12:53pm

So I tried the above rumor and then the world went black. I woke up strapped to an operating table with most of my bones missing. Speaking of which, if you find a femur or a thigh bone in today's Meat Surprise, I'm gonna need those back. Thank you in advance.

1/8/2021 9:43am

This rumor is about the Stairwell 18-3-Z12 Monkey Clock. Apparently, the monkeys never tire out, never stop and never take breaks. Just slap, slap, slap, high fives all day every day. Are they real monkeys? Something about it just seems... off to me.

12/12/2020 10:29am

This rumor is about @GOTTO G.S.M. INC.

I've heard that they manage the servers, but nobody's ever seen or heard of them. Somehow exactly they are ALWAYS aware when somebody is talking about them. You'll casually mention them and then a note'll appear or a voice will boom out. It's freaky.

12/10/2020 7:35pm

This rumor is about the stairs. Supposedly, if you step on the steps in a certain order, you'll be sent to a strange land composed entirely of stairs and doors. Apparently, several people are trapped here, including myself. Small world, huh? That's the rumor! Spread it around.

12/10/2020 7:25pm

I think I'm gonna start rumormongering. Feel free to post any strange stories you hear about people here. And if you have a request for a rumor about a specific person, I can help you out.

School Store Oddities
12/10/2020 7:20pm

Alright, I'm finally out of detention! Three afternoons I think it was. Or maybe more... you can never really tell with Mr Strand. Anyway, today's item is a pocket watch, like you see in old movies. It's got a date in the back as well. My experiments revealed that when you crank it, time turns forward and backwards to match the time inputted into the watch. And it also removes your past self, so if you see anyone seemingly teleporting around, uh... just watch out for that.

The Horrible Indoors.
12/7/2020 2:30pm

Send help. I can't get out. I'm trapped in a room. There's doors covering every wall and surface in the room. Whenever I open a door, it just leads into another room, though never the same one. What should I do?

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