Mara Smith-Stevens

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4/23/2018 9:03am

People don't realize what busy schedules imaginary friends have. There's been a growing shortage of imaginary friends, so we're in higher demand than ever. You get reassigned a lot, so there's lots of travel, which I actually enjoy and consider a perk. But it's harder to build relationships when you're spread so thin. Like taking on a whole P.E. class. But I had a special relationship with @Quinn Arthur and I'm excited to start building on again.

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4/20/2018 8:54am

They say you shouldn’t make friends with the creatures in the zoo, because the power relations aren’t fair. But they’re all so cute how can you help yourself? Even if you can’t set them free, because they couldn’t survive outside their cages.

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4/16/2018 8:43am

There was a G-3 class geomagnetic storm and I was able to ride an East Wind through the ionosphere back to school. And I find it filled with little dolls? How cute!

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