Morgan Shanrosen

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9/18/2016 7:22pm

I guess I won't be needing those tips on helping my dogs anymore. I am finally able to say (without breaking down) that they have sadly passed on. Both of them. I am really not in a good place right now. I hope I am able to talk to them again, or have them howl when I sing. I loved(and still do love) Dohae and Morghu, very, very much.
In other news, I have done some more painting. It really seems to help with calming me down, and seems to give me more energy to do things after I complete them. It would be laughable to find out that my pets' death had to do with my paintings, since I do love painting so much...
But if that were true, wouldn't that mean that my friend should be dead as well? She's fine. I talked to her last night. I'll have to call her later to make sure she's okay. I wouldn't want my ignorance of my own abilities to be what kills her...



Morgan Shanrosen

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9/12/2016 5:16pm

Hey everyone! I just wanted to update everyone on what's going on with the singing thing. First of all, I call it a singing thing because I'm not quite sure what else to call it, but basically it's when spirits join me when I'm singing to myself. Sometimes it kind of sucks because I kinda want to sing to myself, but no matter what I do, they always turn up. Even in the shower, which can get pretty creepy at times. I've discovered something new about the singing and what it does recently. I've made a connection that whatever I sing about, will low-key actually happen. Note that I'm still discovering what I'm capable of. A couple days ago, I was singing about a fire, and a huge fire happened not to far from where I live. Now, you may be thinking that that may have been a coincidence, but the very next day I made a song about a beautiful love, and only a couple hours later I was asked out by someone who I've liked for a while now! Things like this have been happening for a couple of weeks now, ranging from pretty extreme in how similar, to something more subtle.
Now on a sadder note, both of my dogs have gotten really sick lately and It doesn't look good. They won't eat, they walk like slugs and don't bark or wag their tails anymore. Does anybody on here know how to help them?


Morgan Shanrosen

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9/10/2016 1:53pm

I've been doing some really great artwork recently! I wish I could post it on the internet, but it wont let me upload it for some reason. It says something about how it would be a paradox? Not quite sure how that works. These old computers are so glitchy. So far, I've done a painting of both of my dogs, a Greyhound (Morghulis) and a Golden Retriever (Dohaeris). They are so cute! Also, I've done a portrait of my best friend. She lives in North Carolina, and I miss her a lot. I hope I get to see her soon!


Morgan Shanrosen

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9/10/2016 10:40am

Hello fellow students! I have decided to take the time to tell you a little about myself. First of all, I love to sing, especially when I can hear people singing with me. I usually can't see them, but they all have lovely voices. One time, I saw one of them, and even though they have beautiful voices, they aren't easy on the eyes. The one I saw look like he was thrown in a wood chipper! I sang with him anyways, it's hard to resist a voice like his. We made a beautiful song. It sounded a bit like "Before You Start Your Day", but with more soul. Okay, another thing about myself...
Oh! I love to create art! I'm more of an abstract artist, but sometimes I create works based on what I feel around me, so some of them turn out pretty morbid. But, all that being said, I feel like more energy goes into those types than just me making Jack Pollock look-a-likes.
Besides me being artistic, I see myself as very smart. I love physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, and algebra as well as literature and creative writing. I am nearly fluent in Spanish and have a 4.0 GPA at my other school.

Thanks for reading!

Morgan Shanrosen

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