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The Horrific Makeover Crusade
8/1/2015 3:55pm

{Geh.... I'm still covered in makeup. Mattie, one day... one day you will be... GOT. You're gonna get GOT. *sigh* I'm not allowed to be inside... since I really got the brunt of the Makeover *shudder* I have extra stuff smeared all over me. I'm dripping everywhere. Hey, at least Blackie can keep me company... right, Blackaroo?}

*woofing and panting*

{He sounds more like a dog than a... sentient box. Hm. Anyway, Scilph is still upset about her hair. It used to be DOWN TO HER KNEES, and Mattie swiped it all off with one swish of a scissor. Dang. That was scary... but thankfully, she didn't notice... until I told her. Eralonia is currently plotting revenge... but first, she's going out with Mattie for a Caramel-Salmon Frap at PsyBucks. She can never turn one of those down... but Eralonia does love lizards, so if she sees one bobbing in her drink, she'd be happy.}

{Oh, Blackie... he met Claudette, and I think they got along well. They both enjoy prancing about. Blackie also met Krissi (can I call you that? Krissi? @Kristopher, when I get cleaned up, I want to formally meet you. You seem like a pretty cool dude.) and he accidentally flung some ink at him. It missed, but poor Kris seemed like he'd faint. Black ink flying right at your face would startle anyone. Sorry about that!}

{Also, congrats to Gretel! Your description is pretty cool. It's always fun to win student of the month! I have gone down that hall a couple of times-- my picture is slightly see-through, and Scilph's is more silvery. I like how they add our own little touches to it. Yours is very pretty as well!}

*muffled* ~Morris? I have called someone to repair the shower... hopefully this will work. I'm going out to PsyBucks, I'll be right back. I'm wearing my cute blue-and white striped dress! What do you think?~

{Cute. Can you chuck a lizard at Mattie for me?}

~Sure, unless she picks up the tab. I'm not making her wet her tights if she's paying for my drinks. If you need anything, yell for Scilph.~

{...Our room is on the 7th floor...}

~You can do it if you try. Well, later.~ *footsteps*



The Horrific Makeover Crusade
7/31/2015 10:07am



Uwaaah! That's a little drastic, Morris!

~Nice rubber ducky towel.~


~The boy's locker room, maybe?~

{Ew, no. That's disgusting.}

~Says the boy covered in glop. And Scilph-- ah.~

What? What is it?

~Mattie, she--~

{You're adorable with short hair! She gave you a pixie cut!}



~Nice going. Hey, I think you can set the water back to normal in the sower if you say "stop" and "no".~

{Okay, I'll try.} *footsteps* *muffled* {STOP! GAAAAH! NO NO NO! REFRAIN! DESIST! QUIT! OFF!}


7/24/2015 3:55pm

{@Nobody sure, I'll get you those Sprinkles. I don't think I ever repaid you. I'll get you the Grilled Chicken and Chocolate Chip Fish ones... they'll be at your doorstep in an hour or two. I'll get some for myself as well. Like Onigiri Dream, which DOES make you sick, but after you vomit you become immune to fire for half a year. Oh, and eating Celery Splash makes you fluent in Russian, and give you an extra tooth between your two front teeth. Wow!}

*sound of stuff being knocked over* `WAIT WAIT WAIT NOBODY DID YOU SAY SENTIENT LIMITED EDITION BEANIE BABIES?! OH MY GOD I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN~ *more stuff falling and breaking*

{...what was that?}


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7/23/2015 6:30pm

{Heya, Journal.}

{Not much has been happening recently. I feel like I'm going to DIE of boredom. And it doesn't help the Scilph's been hogging the computer a lot... She really loves it. But otherwise, things are going well. No Fortuna attacks, it's all been good. Although... we haven't heard much from ANYONE. Walls' projections haven't been around, Atlantica and Pacifica will be gone until Fall... We just haven't heard from Mattie in a bit... or Jessica. I wonder what's up. I really miss them all.}


{Anyway, I guess... I tried the Violet Supreme Sprinkles from Sprinkle Co. The hair thing doesn't really affect me, but I haven't been able to smell that weird odor from the southeast side of the school (you know what part I'm talking about. No one knows what that godforsaken smell is.) but I have been coughing up a couple marbles. If I weren't partly a ghost, I'd be scared of dying. How does Nobody eat these?}

{After Scilph got off the computer, I looked on the Sprinkle Co. website, and it shows other sprinkles with other side effects... like the Candy Cane Tickle, which makes your fingernails turn into icicles and renders you unable to speak-- only laugh. Whenever you try to talk, you're sent into a hysteria of giggles and ice. Another is the Lemongrass Twist, that makes bubbles come out of your ears, but your can't move your thumbs for a minute every bubble that comes from your eardrums. Or the Cherry Choker, which turns everything you wear a fluorescent red, and gives you permanent freckles. Let see what our favorite flavors do... give me a minute...}

{Okay, Scilph's favorite (Green Tea) is the the Green Tea Burst... supposedly, it makes you one foot taller and the ability to make water come from any pore or orfice you wish... wow. My favorite flavor (Strawberry) is Strawberry Swing... gives you an extra foot for each leg, protruding out of your ankle, and makes you an amazing dancer. Huh.}

*shuffling* ~Hey, Morris. *crunch* Whot're you doinf?~

{Hey, Eralo. Looking up what our favorite flavors do in the "Special Sprinkles" on this Sprinkle Co. website. No wonder Nobody likes them so much... hey, are you eating kitty treats?}

*shuffling stops* ~...Maybe.~

{Don't talk with your mouth full. Anyway, let's see what Salmon does.}

~*crunch* Sure.~

{Okay.. Whoa. Says here the Salmon Cream Sprinkles make the eater able to swim 10 times faster than normal, and gives them a purple tongue, along with color changing eyes. Wow! These are so much fun to read. I'm going to spend HOURS on here.}

~Huh. *crunch crunch* Good luck wiff 'at. *crunch* I'w be in fuh lifin' woom. *gulp* I need to catch up on Steven Universe.~

{Okay, have fun. Try not to cry.}

~... Was it really that bad?!~

{Mostly the first episode, but I won't spoil it for you. Just... just get a lot of tissues.}



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7/13/2015 4:14pm

{*loud crying, sobbing, screaming and pained whale noises*}

J-JOURNAL--! P-PEARL AND GARNET-- SARDONYX-- THE FIGHT-- AND NOW THEY'RE MAD AT EACH OTHER! *louder weeping, screaming and dying animal sounds* *glass breakins* *doors flying off their hinges*




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7/11/2015 6:23pm

{Thanks, Pacifica, for forgiving me... I still not positive what exactly I did wrong... was it that I turned off your brain? Or did I do something else? Please explain. This is really vague...}

{Anyway, I hope Atlantica doesn't have to be sent to a shrink, either.... she's a lot of fun. I love her company. Her, Walls and I usually hang out together a lot. But she has been slightly twitchy. I am a bit scared for her... ehm... I-it's okay that Atlantica broke some stuff. It happens. No one got hurt or anything-- plus I'm used to stuff being broken. Scilph, on occasion, still breaks lightbulbs with excitement. And I'm sure that a sparkly love seat will brighten up the room.}

Yes, I would love that!

{Oh, you've woken up.}

Mhm. Now my sleep schedule will be absolutely off for weeks.

{I'll prepare for some grouchiness.}

Ahaha! *smooch*

~Ew, get a room.~

{You always say that. Jealous much?}

~Jealous, my tail. *chuckle*~

{Eralonia? You look kinda...}


~Oh, now you're finishing each other sentences? Cute.~

{What's up?}

~...*sigh* I'm worried. About Fortuna... we came TOO close today. She could have come back and taken Pacifica, and we were totally unprepared for it. She always strikes without warning, and when you least expect it... I don't know what will happen, or what she'll do, but I know for a fact it won't be good. If she manages to actually complete one of her schemes, many will get hurt or die. I should know best of anyone.~

~Morris... Scilph...~

~I'm scared.~

Eralonia... aw, come here--

~I thought you didn't like me.~

I never liked cats. But I can't hate a cat who's crying.

~*sniff* I'm not crying. I have something in my eye.~

{Yeah. Tears. C'mere, Eralo.}

~*sniffle* *hugs Morris*~


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7/10/2015 7:50pm

{I don't like ANYTHING that's going no. At all.

{Dorkwad is back, as is Fortuna, and Pacifica is still upset with me. Nothing has really been working out for me recently... I've been sick for awhile, that's why I haven't been posting. Scilph has been on Rollr for a few days, and has been screaming for three hours straight about a new character called Sardonyx and Steven Universe ... I'm sorry about all the panic going on. That's my fault. She actually bought a ukulele and is trying to play the theme song--}

*plucking noises* WEEE~ wait, no-- *slightly more tuned plucking* There we go. WEEEE~ ARE THE CRYSTAL GEMS! WE'L ALWAYS SAVE THE DAY~

{She's really confident in her skills. We've been binge watching Steven Universe for hours. Three more days until the StevenBomb.. I'm excited. But now that FOR-TU-NA has to show up and ruin everything, it looks like I can't watch it. Of course. Wonderful. This is fantastic. And now Paci is head-over-heels for this "Big Brother" guy. Whoop-de-doo.}

~Morris is grumpy. He hasn't gotten enough sleep.~

{Shut up. And it doesn't help that there's stupid lag on my computer. Recording is so difficult.}

~*sigh* Fortuna being back has put a toll on him. He doesn't want to get involved at all...~

*muffled singing* *plucking* AND IF YOU THINK WE CAN'T~ WE'LL ALWAYS FIND A WAY!!

{I want to tell her not to sing... but she seems to be having fun... I'll just put my head on my pillow and scream.}

~You're being dramatic.~


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7/9/2015 8:55am

{Ahh, man, Walls. That sucks... I'll help you out whenever I can, dude. I'll distract some of the people round here. Maybe calm down S-AL, and such. I wanna help you. This DOES sound real irritating.}

{And I hope Pacifica and I work stuff out. I don't know what I did wrong...} *sigh*

*more long sighs*

{...Sorry, got caught up breathing there. I got a little ahead of myself. It just feels AMAZING! *more deep breaths*}

~Morris, may I take over?~

{Eralonia, no. Not aga-}

~I bought Pop Rocks.~

{OHMYGODPOPROCKS!} *runs to kitchen*

~... Listen, Walls, I'm glad we had that talk. I could see how tense you were, even without your projections. The school was very stiff overall, so I could tell something was up. Once you explained, I understood. You shouldn't be envious. Busy yourself with Claude, occupy your mind with other things-- think about when The Egg is going to hatch.~



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7/8/2015 12:52pm

{Hmm, Pacifica has a "stalker", you say? Hm-hm-hm, she's being bothered? Humm, maybe she will be in a better mood once he is gone... hm-hm. Hm. I wonder, I wonder... well... isn't this quite the turn-out. I'm going to talk to him.}



*nasal, dorky voice* Eh, Who i-- SWEET MOTHER MEYBELLE!

{Could you not bother Pacifica? She's kind of annoyed.}


{Right back atcha.}


{You don't say. Now, just quit bothering the android.}


{I won't show up on film.}

*clickclickclick* ...Eh? Ya don't showwup ahn filum...

{You don't say.}

Yer one sarchastic spirrit. And whadd're yew holding?

{My Journal. Now shoo. Scram. Git.}

Or whut? *wet, sloppy sniff*

~This guy is nasty.~


~Not very bright, is it? Make it go away. He disgusts me... you're dribbling all over your shirt.~


{Leave her alone, or I'll haunt you for all of eternity.}


{Uh.. Zozo?}


{Why did he get so freaked out over "Zozo"?}

~You just happened to say the name of the most feared spirit of a possessed Ouija board.~

{Ah. I've always hated those things... spirits freak me out.}

~Morris, YOU'RE a spirit. YOU could be summoned at a slumber party.~

{Oh, yeah. Anyway, Pacifica, does that do anything for you? Please tell me why you're mad... if you don't want to broadcast it all over the school, tell me in private. Please? It's KILLING me- er, you know, not knowing why you're upset. What did I do? Please tell me soon. I'm begging.}

{What can I do for you?}


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7/8/2015 9:28am

{I attended the MnG... it's a shame only @Walls and @Glyph Frost showed up. Oh well... we still had a good time. Maybe we could do it more frequently? Actually, I think you can go to anytime that you want. I look forward to meeting you all there!}

{Anyway, I tried to ask casually and politely why Pacifica's mad at me. Still didn't respond. I remember putting a hand on her shoulder. The metal and such that makes her up is very... cold. I pulled my hand away, and she looked at me weird. I didn't bother her after that, but I'm still curious about what I did... maybe I could get Eralonia to ask?}

~Good idea. I will do that... right after I check on Claude. Ever since he found the egg, he would not leave its side, not even to go on a walk with me. It's very strange. I wonder what the egg will hatch... well, one must wait to find out. I am wearing my special dress with little birds and eggs on it!~

{...How many dresses do you have?}

~Approximately 1,639 of them. No doubles.~

{Wow... uhm, have fun.}

~Thank you.~ *door creaking shut*

{Anyway... that egg IS pretty strange. I don't think you should sit on anything that's "Tropical Orange" and ready to crack open at any time. That cat is amazing.. by the way, @Nobody, has Claude attempted to stand on his hind legs, wear clothes, and play with dolls again? Because sometimes I'll see him in our living room, playing dolls with Eralonia... hm.}

{Anyway, I'm going to go have second breakfast. Seeya.}


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