Nate Sun

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Calling All Ghosts
7/15/2015 1:58pm

The outdoor pool on lower campus is haunted. It seems like it's full of people but it's not. I hear people splashing and laughing and having fun, and you can see them plain as day from the manor house. But walk down there and when you get close it's all just floaties - inflatable mattress rafts and donut shaped tubes that look like frogs - all completely still except for the breeze that they are drifting in.

Is there a ghost swimming party club you're not invited to if you're not a ghost? Because if so that doesn't seem fair.

Calling All Ghosts
7/16/2015 2:26pm

I received a response to my letter of inquiry concerning the private ghost swimming party (and any other private ghost parties I might not know about) and the secretary of the Ghost Student Council (did you know they have a whole shadow student government?) said that when they start getting invited to private living-person parties, they would invite them to theirs.

This is all a terrible misunderstanding. I don't think anyone is *not* inviting ghosts to their parties on purpose. I think it is just a problem with communications.

So now I'm inviting ghosts to everything I do. Like right now I have a little candle and a bell and I'm calling a Psyhigh writing party! C'mon ghosts!!

Calling All Ghosts
7/16/2015 4:49pm

Way to go, @kat666g! I know you ghosts can do it! I mean, you can move chairs and chains and stuff around, so just keep concentrating on those keys on the keyboard and knock something out!

i heart ghosts! let's have a ghost cheer, @Gretel!

Calling All Ghosts
7/19/2015 4:58pm

In order to create better human/ghost relations, I have been researching ways to attract ghosts and make them feel welcome. Here are a few of my discoveries:

1. Wear appropriate clothing! Psychic High School's @Matching by Mattie's love tips are in many times applicable to ghosts. In this case, wearing clothes that ghosts feel comfortable around. This will have a lot to do with what kind of ghosts you attract. For instance, I have been wearing lots of frilly 19th century clothes, like big hoop skirts, ruffled blouses with poofy sleeves and flamboyant cuffs, and oversized goggles.

2. Wear your appropriate clothing backwards! Ghosts live in a kind of mirror world, where everything looks like our world but is reversed, and playing cards march around and attack you and clocks talk. To better coax ghosts into our world, wearing your clothes backwards in a great first step.

3. Talk, write, and if possible, think backwards. These skills take some practice, but will further endear you to the Ghost World. Practice writing cursive left-handed backwards, and keep a diary. Record your speech and play it backwards at half speed, then practice repeating individual phrases out loud. Once you've memorized your speech backwards, invite friends over to enjoy your presentation. Make sure to have them all sit down at once, and then applaud. Once their applause it over, immediately begin your speech.

Thinking backwards will become easier once you have mastered these simple skills, and you'll be on your way to better ghost relationships in no time!

Calling All Ghosts
7/22/2015 3:05pm

I'm glad to see my ghost attracting techniques are starting to pay off! It looks like two have fully formed from the ectoplasm - @harriet brown and @Clara Sykes - and a couple more trying to form (go @raqk! c'mon @kat666g! Maybe we need another cheer from @Gretel?)

I take this as evidence that my Ghost Attraction Techniques (patent pending) are paying off (see last post), so I'm continuing to follow ALL of them (except I'm holding off on writing this journal backwards for the time being, just for ease of use of you, my rapidly adoring public. Gee, am I channeling @Matching by Mattie enough yet?

There's a new technique I'm adding to my Ghost Attraction Toolbox, and feel free to try it out yourself.

4. Ghosts love tap dancing! Maybe not tap dancing themselves, but they are easily mesmerized by the rapid rattatattat of a good tap dance. You can accomplish this by immediately enrolling in Ghost Tap Class here at school (don't you just love our dance teachers?) and wearing your tap shoes everywhere. You can also just attach bottle caps to the bottom of your sneakers and carry around a plywood board to drop down and tap out when and whereever you like! I, personally, have also been practicing dancing Flamenco to Led Zeppelin in my friend's grandma's old wooden house. It has a very good resonance, both on the sound and ectoplasmic scales.

If you add this simple trick to your Ghost Attracting repertoire, I'm sure we'll have enough ghosts for the biggest ghost/non-ghost party on campus ever!

Calling All Ghosts
8/12/2015 10:24pm

The Ghost Boxes make me very uncomfortable too.

I agree with @Morris. Those things are just wrong! When I started working on Ghost Reconciliation, and sharing my Ghost Attraction Techniques, it was all about bringing ghosts and not-ghosts together. And now the school is setting traps for them? This goes completely against Making Friends with Ghosts!

And @Deadeye is wrong I did not say that ghosts love lap dancing - I said TAP dancing! They love that. And you may have seen me on campus experimenting with belly dancing and they like that too, but it's a lot harder to attract them that way. I don't see how dancing with your lap would be very interesting to them.

I don't see how the school can support this. And what about the Ghost Student Council? Won't they like, call a Ghost Strike or something? But would we even notice if they did?

Calling All Ghosts
8/15/2015 7:11pm

I am so completely stoked about the APSA Ghost Ice Cream Social you can't believe it!

You can bet I will be there bringin' the ghosts in a big way. I invite all students to review my Ghost Attraction Techniques and join me tomorrow afternoon in full regalia! In fact, I have a brand new and very effective Ghost Attraction Technique I'd like to share with you:

5. Ghosts love spinning! While experimenting with large hooped skirts, I learned that if you spin around for a really long time, that really brings the ghosts out. You don't even need to spin too fast (which makes you too dizzy anyway) but just nice and steady and eventually you can find a pace you can just keep up indefinitely. Pretty soon you'll find the ghosts popping out of the woodwork just to watch you.

When you stop they mostly poof away though. But it sure puts you "in the zone."

Tomorrow afternoon, let's attract all the ghosts we can and make this the biggest ghost/non-ghost get together Psyhigh has ever seen!!! Can't wait to see you there.

Calling All Ghosts
8/27/2015 11:02pm

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been in Ghost Heaven lately. I guess I just hooked up with all the right people at that Ice Cream Social, because I entered full-time into ghost world.

And it! Is! Awesome!!!

I didn't imagine so many candy striped suits. Like Dick Van Dyke and Marry Poppins dancing in white by the millions, on carousels, escalators, balconies, in glass elevators, on parade floats, twirling umbrellas, marching in the streets, Hello Dolly, ticker-tape and marching bands... all within a progenitive fractal environment platform. Does that count as an infinity, @Amelie?

So there are a lot of rabbit holes to go down.

And, uh, about that. I'm not really sure how to get back, at this moment. So I'm going to look around for awhile. I heard there's like a communal/co-op circuit you can get on, where you work at various ghost farms and ghost wineries and help out and you get free room and board. And I heard you can get credit for it! I gotta check that out!
