The One

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7/1/2021 8:43am

I might have manifested the wrong thing. What I was considering was the holy Spirit.

7/1/2021 8:42am

People please be careful anything owl might not be the entity I considered.

7/1/2021 8:33am

Sorry the phone put healed but I said killed. They actually killed the embryo before it further developed.

7/1/2021 8:29am

A couple of years ago I remember one time I wrote to God. And I was looking up see angelic languages. I chose Hebrew because God spoke to the Israelites. I went to English to Hebrew translator and typed in "I want to see small dinosaurs."years later God answered me. Scientists have developed a chicken embryo with a dinosaur head and legs. Birds are related to dinosaurs but they are a different lineage. But scientists healed the embryo before it further developed. They said they don't want to play God and they are scared to let dinosaurs in the world. But the reality is they are not playing God. I'm the one who ask God to make it manifest. But God knows that dinosaurs cannot exist right now because this world is just too corrupt we need to wait until the Messianic age.

7/1/2021 8:24am

People please be careful this might not be the entity I was considering.

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