Too Big for Dodgeball

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halfal blagng
- 10/17/2014 8:08pm

Gym class was so humiliating today :( We were playing dodgeball and I accidentally made myself so big, everyone hit me

Bill the Axe
- 10/18/2014 8:35pm

I like dodgeball.

Bill the Axe
- 10/18/2014 8:35pm

And Doritos.

Somsy Attanaphone
- 10/19/2014 8:36pm

You know what they say about dodge-ball. Sometimes you eat the ball, sometimes the ball eats you.

halfal blagng
- 10/27/2014 6:37pm

Dodgeball! With satay sauce!

Makako Jones
- 10/27/2014 5:43pm

Who would be up for starting a dodgeball team where we are all giants? Even though we'll make big targets, I think it would be really satisfying. We could make it an intramural team, and play regionally.

Bill the Axe
- 10/27/2014 8:44pm

Yeah, better than the dodgeball team where we're all microscopic. We tried that last year and it didn't work.

ralph mouse
- 10/28/2014 6:52pm

ralph likes being big!

ralph mouse
- 10/28/2014 5:52pm

ralph used to sleep in a sack, a tiny tiny sack, but it had a hole in it and ralph fell out.

teddy twenty_two
- 10/30/2014 3:05pm

heyyy... soooo.... i heard some guys are thinking about starting a giant dodgeball team? cool.

some of you guys i know can do the giant thing, like, on your own. i mean, halfal's famous (heh heh).

and maybe a couple of you can do like an illusion thing (i'm looking at you makako).

but some of you others... you might need a special little something, right?

meet me outside the bio lab friday afternoon and i'll set you up!


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