Tina Infinity

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8/26/2017 1:38pm

Really enjoying ORIENTATION WEEK and making so many new friends and finally finding a place where my Zapping powers don't hurt people! As much. If I accidentally Zap here and somebody's head gets in the way it just turns into a chicken head or something. A TINY chicken head, not a monster chicken head. And only for a little while. Which is way better than exploding it which is what would happen in my home town. And it's what happened TO my home town. Which is why it isn't on the map any more. So they said I could come here, to Psychic High School, or... well they didn't really have another option (because my Zaps) but I don't mind because like I said this school is really great and seems to have protection and psychic dampeners and stuff in place so I can make friends. And maybe even learn to control my Zaps!!

Psychic Menagerie
10/6/2017 9:39am

I'm really upset with Psyhigh for hiring a psychic pest removal firm that uses such inhumane methods as @Panther and Bear. I have only been here for a couple of months and in that short time I've been lucky to be involved in the dolphin liberation support activity with @Jen Hex and really felt that the psychic justice focus of this school was in line with my personal beliefs. But now I am shocked -- SHOCKED -- that the school would hire a firm with such an unethical track record as Panther and Bear.

And if you're one of the students I have accidentally zapped and now has a tiny chicken head, please be sure to keep your student ID with you if Panther and Bear tries to shake you down.

Ghost Hotel
10/11/2017 2:56pm

How are ghosts even able to travel to a convention? I thought ghosts were stuck in whatever place they haunted, @YOung Flim.

Ghost Hotel
10/26/2017 2:27pm

Now that the Phantasm Convention is over, @YOung Flim, is there a way for students to gain eternal life experience through internships or part-time jobs at the Ghost Hotel?

Broken Clock
11/18/2017 4:18pm

Was anyone able to help out the cosmic piano tuners who were here today? You probably noticed them because they were 15 feet tall and wearing gray jumpsuits. They were trying to get into @Pitato's room but nobody was answering, and the RA wouldn't let them in because they didn't have official Psyhigh ID. Anyway they hauled all their ridiculously huge equipment (giant tuning forks, huge hammers, a six-foot hex wrench) all the way up to the room, then totally blocked the hall for an hour before I saw @Janitor Pete show up. I'm not even sure how they were going to squeeze through the door of @Pitato's room. I left before it got figured out, and wanted to know if they were gone or what.

Underground Robot Fighting Ring
1/25/2018 8:32pm

I was shocked--SHOCKED--to learn that underground robot fighting has fans and accomplices at this school. The brochures made this out to be a progressive school, with a socially aware student body, but even here at Psyhigh there are people who ENJOY watching robots fight? And then BET on it? This is DISGUSTING.

You can find me at the fund-raising table in the cafeteria this week selling the "I <3 Robots" pins and the NO FIGHTING t-shirts with the cool robot logo that @Myra Diamond designed, and the ROBOTS HAVE A RIGHT temporary tattoos. All proceeds will go to Muffit Two's Home for Retired Fighting Bots.

Psychic Jazz Band
2/1/2018 6:03pm

I generally don't "get" jazz, but now part of me LOVES it! And it's all because of Psychic Pep Band! I was at the pool for the Water Walking meet against Ṛddhi Powers High, and I don't know if you've seen them but they're really good. It's always either them or Shaolin Temple Academy who go to State. So Ṛddhi Powers has six people on the deep end, doing their human pyramid on the surface of the water. They're super serious, and they NEVER get wet. Then the scrappy Psyhigh team approaches the edge of the pool, knowing they're going after the probable champs, and they were wearing TUXEDOS! Like they weren't even planning to get wet. That's when the Jazzy Pep Band breaks into "Istanbul not Constantinople" and the whole team just walks right out over the water like they're taking a walk in the park in the summer time. It was SO AWESOME.

As soon as they got into formation, though, they splashed right through the surface and got soaked. All of them. Ṛddhi Powers didn't gloat, or smirk, or even smile. They're TOTALLY serious.

But hey now part of me likes Jazz!

2/3/2018 10:30pm

So my Psyhigh therapist says maybe my whole uncontrollable Zapping thing comes from my energy being misdirected. Like I've got some kind of knots in my flow, and my energy is trying to get out in more natural directions but I'm holding it back and it's forcing it out in weird ways and it's causing problems. Via my subconscious.

One of her suggestions is to allow myself to pursue new interests--things I might not have let myself do before. So I'm letting part of myself go to the gym. We'll see if that helps.

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2/5/2018 7:40pm

I haven't back from the part of me that's been to the gym, but it's only been a couple of days I guess. Back home, we had an indoor/outdoor cat, and once in awhile she'd be gone overnight and we'd worry but she always came back. Except for the last time. But I'm sure gym-me is smarter than a cat. And she's got a phone! You'd think she could could text at least. Nothing on Instagram or Snapchat either.

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2/8/2018 5:29pm

Everybody's going to the Mind Wrestling match tonight but I'm torn. I refused to go back when they called it Mayan Mind Wrestling because it was so obviously culturally appropriative, but they still wear the masks because that's part of the whole sport and does have an effect on the individual wrestler's ability. And frankly it's totally fun to watch. PLUS the Psychic Jazz Pep Band will be in the bleachers, which I also love. But HOMEWORK!!! What to do? Even though I still have the uncomfortable experience of my Gym-self going to the gym and not returning, I think I'm going to go to Mind Wrestling but leave another of me here in the old dorm room to catch up on homework. I'm sure I won't mind. See you tonight!!!

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