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9/22/2020 9:51am

i honestly would love to go to this in real life "if i could i will probably find a way but it would be for a day".

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For those pointlesssites comers...
9/18/2020 2:11pm

ok so i am not the only one yo this is so cool though except for possibility of death and mind wiping, there would be so many wars.

9/18/2020 2:08pm

it must be alternate reality but how would be that possible could i be like evil in your reality?

9/17/2020 8:52am

is this real or is this an arg which stands for alternate reality game altho i highly doubt it because it looks legit so i am pretty sure no one knows if its real or not hopefully our questions will be answered.

9/17/2020 8:46am

i know this is a high school but why is there a person saying random stuff bonce bonce over and over who is this and what is their life story?

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9/16/2020 6:33am

hello i am not going to this school i found it through a site which generated random links to go to sorry if i caused any ruckus.

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Welcoming the Student Body
9/15/2020 9:02am

well i dont know about this