Our Mission

At Psychic High School, we believe in students. We believe in their abilities and their visions, their familiars, their ghost twins, their past-life trigger word issues, and their phantom tentacle limbs. In a word, we believe in you.

Located on a beautiful 300 acre estate formerly owned by the actress Charlene Tilton, our rolling grounds give psychic youth the room they need to discover themselves. Whether wiping their minds completely on an extended walkabout, or simply "unleashing steam" with percussive depressurization blasts, students feel comfortable at Psychic High School to be themselves, and are only occaisionally injured in the process.

At Psychic High School, friendships are made that can last several lifetimes.

Students at Psyhigh come from near and far — and in some cases very, very far. Access to campus is available via abandoned railroad tracks, neglected gardens, fairy rings, GAZEBOS, haunted traffic intersections, and the spaces under stairs. Our network of portals grows daily, both in your local reality and many adjoining ones.

At Psyhigh, students create their own realities, either through their natural talents or our state of the art Reality Generators.

While on-campus housing is available, many of our students commute through our teleportation network, or the bus. Either way, all students contribute deeply to the life of the school and enjoy the community of their peers through school groups and activities like the Psychic Latino Student Union, the Non-Euclidean Sailing Team, the Binaural Tones Pep Band, and Cloning Club.

Does Psyhigh seem like the right place for you? Of course it is! Get a login and start posting to your journal today!

A clairvoyant freshman receives an award from the Office of Naval Intelligence for her assitance in the recovery of stolen property.

Reviewing stills from the Zapruder films, some of our Estonian students receive a lesson in counter-assasination.

Utilizing Krezner technology, certain psychic abilities can be hacked and expanded at unprecedented rates.

Spring Term

Hatching out of your egg and seeing the world in a whole new way? A new psychic era has begun, and our dormitories have plenty of room. Make yourself at home and introduce yourself here.

Apple Spirit River

The nearby town of Apple Spirit River has been overrun by wildly aggressive humanoid carrots. An ancient evil unleashed? Modern science gone too far? A new kind of Avant-Garde Gastronomy? Learn more here.

Student Store

Enjoy PSYCHO SLASHED PRICES at the Psyhigh Student Store. Men's shirts $20. Women's just $19! Gym towels and more—everything priced to move telekinetically. Visit the store today.


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