The Psyhigh Hall of Fame
Students come and go at Psychic High School. Some leave their marks scorched into the grounds, and others
leave behind
irreparable warps in reality. Still others weave themselves into history of the school itself, and are rewarded with Psyhigh's greatest honors, the mantles of Student and Story of the Month.
February 2025
Winter Term
Who would have thought the Reality Accident could get any scarier? Ha ha just you wait! Sigh. Still accepting all refugees unconditionally.
Read about it here.
Apple Spirit River
Things are tough all over, but especially so in the nearby farming community of Apple Spirit River.
A number of their young people have taken residence at Psyhigh during the troubles.
Meet them here.
January 2025
Winter Term
Reality Accident got you down? Psychic High School is committed to serving all refugees that enter our halls this Winter Term.
Read about it here.
Spirit Building Challenge
Spirit building isn't as easy as it looks. But with a good heart, and just a little bit of magic, you can build spirit too!
Read all about it.
December 2024
Winter Term
As more students than ever flock to Psychic High School in the wake of the second Reality Accident,
they’re finding an inviting and safe space to prepare for the insurgency.
Claim your spot here and sign up for a buddy!
Spirit Building Challenge
Kicked off the Spirit Team? A number of students are planning to build their own,
but it's really complicated and maybe you should read a book first.
Learn more here.
November 2024
Fall Semester
Refugee from the Reality Accident?
We're making extradimensional space in
our dorms just for you.
Get settled in and
read about it here.
Psychic Timeshare
Four Psyhigh students cast adrift on the timestream—will they receive full credit?
They are certainly getting an education beyond their years.
Learn more here.
October 2024
Fall Semester
Fall semester is in full swing, and students continue to arrive by broomstick,
on the backs of enormous black cats, and via mobile homes on gigantic chicken legs.
Just landed on campus?
Read about it here.
Psychic Timeshare
Psychic students are intersted in their futures, and Psyhigh is a great place to find one.
But what if it's not exactly what you had in mind? And how do you get out of the contract?
Learn more here.
September 2024
Back to School
Calling all fall semester students! Whether you're brand new to school or still can't
quite seem to graduate, share something about yourself and really give them something to whisper about in the lunch room.
Read about it here.
Club of Clubs Contest
Psychic kids love clubs! If you already have a favorite or are starting your own from scratch, tell us all about it and you'll
be entered to win a freshly laundered Psyhigh Mandatory P.E. Shirt!
Tell us about your club here.
August 2024
Summer Session
Summer Session is going out with a bang. Meteor showers every night! Psychedelic sprinklers every day! Your every thought and
biometric meeting recorded so we can recreate it eternally in a bottle!
Tell us about your summer here.
The Weasel Creek Kids
The Weasel Creek Kids are back, now starring in their own eponymous spin-off. What kind of trouble are these rebels up to in the woods?
Find out here.
July 2024
High Summer Session
Summer Session is in full swing.
Classes are easy, psycurity is lax, and there's a pool party
every day. Rumours that it's all some kind of extraterrestrial mind
experiment are completely unfounded. Already joined the party?
Read about it here.
The Weasel Creek Kids
The Weasel Creek Kids are an eco-separatist group that
lives off campus in sustainable housing of their own design.
Which sounds like they must be some kind of dirty freaks, right?
Find out what's up in the woods.
June 2024
Summer Session
Welcome Summer Session Students! Sure, it's weird having to be at school in the
summer, but especially when the kids have giant transparent brains and won't talk.
Read about it here.
Psycience Fair
Proud host of the 2024 State Psycience Fair! Competitors must register their
projects here before setting them up for display in Mesmer Hall. Please indicate
when psychic shielding may be advised for viewing.
Learn more here.
May 2024
Say Hello!
Spring term is almost finished and yearbooks are on the way.
How would you like to be remembered?
Let us know here.
The Weasel Creek Kids
The Weasel Creek Kids are a little-known eco-separatist club that lives
in the woods off-campus. Thinking of joining?
Learn more here.
April 2024
Say Hello!
Psyhigh students on parade! Join the expectant crowd gathering now as we review the class of '24.
Missed the memo?
Read about it here.
The Forest Underbelly
Thinking of a psychic hike? Stay on the trail! Psychic crime gangs may be active in your area. Do you know the signs?
Find out more here.
March 2024
Say Hello!
Whether you're brand new on campus or have been here for awhile,
sharing a little bit about yourself is a great way to make new friends.
We're not all telepaths, you know!
Read about it here.
On the Trail of Dr. Greenjeans
The mysterious case of Mr. Blume remains unsolved. And what exactly is going on in the greenhouse?
Do you have information that would be helpful in
the investigiation?
Let us know here.
February 2024
Who do you love?
It doesn't have to be a crush — in fact maybe it's better if it isn't. But it's a great
time of year to let the people around you know how much you appreciate them.
Tell us about your favorite fellow students here.
The Mysterious Case of Mr. Blume
Psyhigh's flower-headed botany professor has been the victim of some recent campus hijinks, but could things be more
sinister than they seem? And how are you with plants, anyway?
Find out more here.
Janurary 2024
New Year, New You!
New student? Existing student? Recently abducted and wondering where you are?
Mind reading can be such hard work, please just
tell us about yourself here.
Thought Roundup
Ideas have been getting just a little bit out of control at Psyhigh lately,
so we've called in specialists to help tidy things up. Have your thoughts gone astray?
Let us know here.
December 2023
Seasonal Enrollment
It's that time of year when we roll up our newest students
in blankets ripe with herbs and unguents and offer them
to the Ancient Ones.
Are you ripe enough?
Tell us about yourself here.
Psychic Gift Exchange
Sign up now to take part in our annual psychic gift exchange.
Exchange psychic gifts with fellow students safely and
Find out more here.
November 2023
Seasonal Enrollment
Getting into Psyhigh isn't easy, especailly when it comes to the
"smell test" this time of year. So many aromas to compete with!
How will you stand up?
Tell us about yourself here.
Bones Club
Bones Club is an underground club. It meets underground.
You can't let anybody know you're in Bones club. Codenames only.
Don't ask anyone how to join,
just sign up here.
October 2023
Say Hello!
Students are rolling in for Psyhigh's monthlong Halloween festivities.
Whether you're a new or returning student, take a moment to
share a little about yourself. We're not all telepaths, you know!
Read about it here.
Unconventional Tarot Club
You can divine the Tarot using any number of everyday objects,
but is it a good idea? Should these primeval archetypal
energies be contacted via items you can purchase at a 7-11?
Learn more here.
September 2023
Back to School!
It's a new school year and with so many new faces on campus, why not
take a moment to share a little bit about yourself? We're not all
telepaths, you know!
Read about it here.
Transdimensional Welcome Center
Feeling out of place? An unfamiliar reality can make anyone uneasy.
Meet others with the same unease in Psyhigh's social club for the
transdimensional set.
Visit today!
August 2023
Weird Thunderstorm Warning
A Weird Thunderstorm Warning is in effect for the Tri-cities, Pixieville and Doom Town areas
all this month. Are you
or someone you know responsible?
Let us know here.
Introduce Yourself!
It's never to early for Back to School, and the late summer transfers keep rolling in.
Let the campus know you've arrived and tell your story!
Read the introductions here.
July 2023
Botanopsychic Summer Camp 2023
Each year, students from across our great sentient biosphere
gather at Psyhigh to hone their chlorompathic attunement
and learn about eco-social justice.
Find out more here.
Introduce Yourself!
You've made it to campus, now don't be shy!
Let everyone know a little about yourself. Your story
deserves to be told! And it's a great way to make new psychic friends.
Read the introductions here.
June 2023
Student of the Month
Billy Angler
has his sites set on becoming Trout Manager. What does it take to manage the trout?
He already knows the King of the Trout.
June's Student of the Month.
Introduce Yourself!
It's summer term, and if you've just enrolled
or are returning as part of a psychic parole agreement,
why not tell us a little bit about yourself and why
you love Psyhigh?
Read the introductions here.
May 2023
Siblings of the Month
Sean and Scarlette Sarris
are twins, but you can easily tell them apart because of Scarlette's
awesome cyborg arm!
Sean has only his mind, but he's working on it.
May's Siblings of the Month.
Introduce Yourself!
Whether you're brand new on campus or repeating your senior year yet again,
why not
take a moment to share a little bit about yourself?
We're not all telepaths, you know.
Read the introdutions here.
April 2023
Perception Problem
Psyhigh has a perception problem. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear!
Technicians are working around the clock to reestablish a stable perception field.
Learn nore here.
Student of the Month
Man Atchison
is captain of Psyhigh's Cross Country team, and has a lot to
say about mutual support, dedication, and instantaneous translocation.
April's Student of the Month.
March 2023
Psychic Space Station
Interested in cutting edge mind control techniques working on a global scale?
Looking for an off-world learning adventure with a group of your peers?
Sign up here.
Job Shadow of the Month
EE Glarbson
spends his time flying around in his mostly invisible helicopter lair,
solving problems both big and small.
March's Job Shadow of the Month.
Feburary 2023
There's been an explosion of interest in those
adorable mutating creatures that
come from the woods behind the science lab. Have you caught yours yet?
View the Mipi Gallery here.
Otto Ahn
Otto Ahn,
and his strangely silent twin sister Otto Ough, have the power to control... power!
And, as co-chairs of the Psyhigh Student Council, they're ready to use it.
February's Students of the Month.
January 2023
While somewhat old fashioned, airports can still present specific
challenges for psychic youth. Have you become transfixed?
Share your story here.
Moon Kyle
Moon Kyle
shares a bond with all the creatures of the night, especially the ones
in your backyard getting into the garbage.
January's Student of the Month.
December 2022
Solstice Maintenance
The machinery of time is ancient and requires regular care and attention. Plus, it
can take forever to get replacement parts!
Find out how you can help.
Cold City Witches
Faye Barrett
comes from a long line of Cold City Witches, and is a recipient of their annual scholarship.
December's Student of the Month.
November 2022
Underage Drivers' Club
Psychic High School doesn't condone underage driving, but
we've learned it's best to let young people explore their
impulses. Want to go for a spin?
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Iris Yefremov
is a three-time winner of the Psychic Math Bowl, president of the
Imaginary Numbers Club, and a recipient of the Liber 777 award.
November's Student of the Month.
October 2022
Halloween on Other Planets
This month we're opening our teleporation gates and space docks
to students across the galaxy to join us in our annual
Halloween hijinx.
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Honey Kakudmi
is the founder of the Kabbalistic Direct Action club, and aims to repair the world
through esoteric sabotage of the existing order. Meet
October's Student of the Month.
September 2022
It's back-to-school time on campus, and it's time to leave those pesky Adopt-a-Ghosts at home!
It may be tempting to sneak one into your dorm room, but it's strictly prohibited.
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Yuk Embry
has gills, but that hasn't stopped him from adapting to life on
land and maintaining a 4.0 average at Psychic High School.
September's Student of the Month.
August 2022
Reality Abroad 2022 Part II
Summer session adventures continue as students share their heartwarming and at times terrifying tales
of their Reality Abroad experiences. Have you made it back in one piece?
Tell us your story here.
Student of the Month
K Roman
doesn't believe there are actual wizards on Warlock Mountain, but that doesn't mean
something sinister isn't going on.
August's Student of the Month.
July 2022
Reality Abroad 2022
Having a great time outside of reality? Or a not so-great-time? Let us know about your Reality Abroad Program experience
in your journal. Failure to do so may result in revocation of your return ticket.
Tell us your story here.
Student of the Month
Hoot Owling
is a transfer student from Animist High and enjoys making new friends, riding twigs, and solving
occult mysteries.
July's Student of the Month.
June 2022
New Student Committee
New students are stepping up and taking their place in the New Student Committee, where they'll
be planning this year's Bee Invocation Dance.
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Teofila Pagan
is an exchange student from a strange and dangerous world where people communicate using only
bullet points.
May's Student of the Month.
May 2022
Giant Frogs, School PSA
Stay alert! The gardens of lower campus have become overrun by giant frogs.
How can you prepare for an encounter with an oversized amphibian?
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Ozero Beautiful
is an avid pet lover, and interested in certain branches of animal science considered taboo
at other schools.
May's Student of the Month.
March 2022
The Elder Scouts
The Elder Scouts return! After centuries in the outer void, they’re passing through Psyhigh this month and lookIng for roommates.
See how you can help here.
Student of the Month
Blue Malva
is an exchange student from Fairyland, a member of the Good People, and captain of the varsity ping pong team. Meet
March's Student of the Month.
February 2022
Valentine's Dance and Barbeque
Psyhigh's Valentine's Dance promises to be RED HOT this year. Get involved today, and you
can help sort out the inevitable aftermath.
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Charles Masterson
is one of the students still missing since the last school dance, but that's not
keeping him down! Meet
February's Student of the Month.
January 2022
New Year, New You!
It's the time of year when Psyhigh students dream big, set goals, and exchange portions of their psyches at the
biggest swap meet of the year.
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Lindsay Shapley
is a gravitationally bound entity just trying to hold it together. What keeps her from coming apart?
January's Student of the Month.
December 2021
Fascinating Rhythm
Psyhigh students are meeting in the woods at night, beating drums,
scaring the animals, and calling up powers better left alone.
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Psyhigh offers ideal facilities for students like
to regain consciouness and begin to find out more about themselves.
December's Student of the Month.
November 2021
Enter the Portal
There's a new portal open in Extradimensional Concourse C, and Psyhigh has promised its otherwordly
proprietors that at least some students will go through it.
Make your reservations here!
Clones of the Month
Clones have always played an important role in the history
of Psyhigh, and this month we're recognizing one of
our strongest strains ever. Meet
November's Clones of the Month.
October 2021
All Gates Open
It's the time of year when the boundaries between the worlds are at their
thinnest, and students should take care not to be plucked to the other side.
Learn more here.
Student of the Month
Colby Brown is a
member of the Active Psychic Student's Association (APSA)
who loves solving mysteries and making friends.
October's Student of the Month.
September 2021
Back to Psychic School
It's wonderful to have the halls brimming again with
raw psychic energy, the whiff of brimstone, and
visiting extraterrestrials.
Need help finding your way around?
Find out more here.
Entity of the Month
After years of extensive cybertherapy, Psyhigh's tireless
automated concierge
is back and ready to take your calls.
September's Entity of the Month.
July 2021
The Dukes of Iapetus
Iapetus offers spectacular views, singularly unique geological formations,
and a chance for Psyhigh students to explore the universe while getting
to know themselves.
Find out more here.
Entity of the Month
Anything Owl
has been rustling deep down in the recesses of our minds for a long
time, but has recently surfaced as Interim Manager of the Interregnum.
July's Entity of the Month.
June 2021
Children's Circle Summer Session
Sign up to become a psychic childminder for Children's Circle
Summer Session. Earn extra credit and some summer cash!
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Cloven Joe
brings a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation to everything he
does at Psyhigh—just be sure to get a receipt!
June's Student of the Month.
May 2021
Reality Abroad!
It's the time of year when we open up the Reality Generators
and give you the opportunity to experience the mulitiverse
as your classroom.
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Audra Squall
may not have the powers she'd like, but maybe her true power is "making friends."
May's Student of the Month.
April 2021
Story of the Month
The worms are getting mighty restless, so it's best to keep your
distance from
Worm Gardens
this time of year. And steer clear
of their holes!
Find out more here.
Student of the Month
Annie Sweet
knows how to get around campus better than most. If you're looking for tips
on how to navigate the halls,
walk through walls,
and make friends at Psyhigh, then meet
April's Student of the Month.
March 2021
Necromancy Club
After being a bit dead, things are perking up in
Necromancy Club.
If you enjoy hanging out in musty cellars and flipping pages in moldy
sign up today!
Student of the Month
are inseparable. Literally!
Ever since falling though a gap left by the Reality Accident, they've
been rolled into a single entity.
Meet March's Student of the Month.
January 2021
School Store Oddities
Wondering what's available in the school store? Students are posting
reviews of some of the more peculiar items. No returns without receipt!
Read and post reviews here.
Student of the Month
Quisp 73
is an exchange student from a world of pure semantic magic, where brands
battle science for the souls of their captive audience.
Do you fit the demographic?
Meet January's Student of the Month.
November 2020
Psyhigh students have many transportation options to and from campus,
but none so beloved as the official PHS Bus. You can ride it for free!
Hop on the bus here.
Student of the Month
Bell Star
is a refugee from a dangerous world and looking for a new
place she can call home. Learn about
November's Student of the Month.
October 2020
Back to School Blues
Each year it seems students have something new to complain about. Their health, the weather, the dismantling of democracy,
systemic racism... What symptoms do you have? And what are you going to do about it?
Let us know here.
Student of the Month
Danielle DuBious
is a realist, here on a Scientia scholarship, and believes in hard cold facts.
And technology. She's also uncovered an abandoned weather control station
in the forest nearby. Meet
October's Student of the Month.
September 2020
Welcoming the Student Body
It's the time of year when the Student Body returns to campus
and we perform esoteric rituals to keep it from haunting us.
Find out what you can do to help!
Student of the Month
Briney Santastic
runs a club on campus to help students discover things
they weren't looking for. She calls it a witch hunt,
except your're the witches and you're on a hunt.
September's Student of the Month.
August 2020
Psychic Fair and Rodeo
Psyhigh celebrates summer with our annual
Psychic Fair and Rodeo.
Are you ready to wow the crowd with your cryptid riding skills? Or your evil
stepmother's blue ribbon apple pie recipe?
Enter today and win fabulous prizes!
Learn more here.
Student of the Month
Psychic STEM superstar
Julia Nye
came to Psyhigh to pursue her passion, which involves laboratories,
lobsters, and copious quantities of Monster Ultra Blue.
August's Student of the Month.
July 2020
Psychic Grounds Maintenance
With the weather so nice, the
Psychic Groundskeeping Crew
thought it would be a great time to declare campus gardens and yards off-limits
while they take care of some overdue maintenance, and likely dig up some
dangerous ancient artifacts.
Learn more here.
Student of the Month
Jacqueline Eavesdrop
hears everything that happens on campus, in the town, across the globe, beyond our dimension,
and deep within your heart.
July's Student of the Month.
June 2020
Psychic Summer Activities
Psychic Summer Activities Calendar
is filling up fast!
Whether you're into mutating under summer's cosmic rays or learning to use your powers to tear down
the invisible structures of oppression, we've got a club for you!
Learn more here.
Student of the Month
Rosy Predictions
loves the outdoors and getting her hands dirty. Now she's cataloging the psycic
flora and fauna around campus. Join her in
June's Student of the Month.
August 2019
Student of the Month
is an excellent student, but has severe problems with time mangement.
What good is setting an alarm when you find out it's last Tuesday?
August's Student of the Month
Story of the Month
The Eco-Rationing.
Averting worldwide environmental catastrophe is a big job, but the
dramatic changes put into effect a decade ago are starting to bear fruit.
Share your memories of the hard work it took to get here in
August's Story of the Month.
July 2019
Student of the Month
Alien McKenzie
is interested in learning about his roots. His only clues are a broken
space helmet and a cuneiform shard.
Learn about long-distance geneology from
July's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Crunchy Crafts.
Summer student market in the commons all month!
Find handcrafted goods, exotic weapons, illegal time signatures and more
July's Story of the Month.
Februuary 2019
Student of the Month
is earning credits for Fortune Teller Community College,
and ready to help solve your problems big and small.
She's got a crystal ball and everything!
Pose a
question to
February's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Psychic Valentines.
Psyhigh loves a school dance, and this time of year is
especially ripe with hungry old gods yearing for a taste of
youth. Sometimes literally. Join the Psychic Valentine's Dance
committee in
February's Story of the Month.
January 2019
Student of the Month
Hugh Manatee
is a top student, captain of the swim team, and just
happens to be president of Psyhigh's Synthetic
Humanoid Club.
January's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Gangs of Psyhigh.
The school
encourages students to make friends and form
close-knit groups, which we can then pit against
each another in a ritual setting for our amusement.
Find out more in
January's Story of the Month.
July 2018
Student of the Month
has a passion for exotic foods, volunteering, and time travel,
which is why she's joined up with the Forever Corps this summer.
Share the adventure with
July's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Haunted Driver's Ed.
It's important for well-rounded students to undestand
the highways and byways of the arcane. Get your
permit in
July's Story of the Month.
June 2018
Student of the Month
Seven M. has landed a summer job with the Psychic Grounds Maintenance Dept.
How much work does it take to keep campus so neat and clean?
Find out with
June's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
The Compost Kids.
Psyhigh's students have always been on the cutting edge of their field.
Find out how they're making the world a better place in
June's Story of the Month.
May 2018
Student of the Month
Did you have an imaginary friend? Maybe it was
Mara Smith Stevens!
Mara's on campus connecting with old friends, making some new ones,
and learning about herself. Get to know
May's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
File Cabinets of Mystery.
Psyhigh has files dating way back, and keeping them organized is a big job.
Do you have a bunch of old files that need to be stored? Lend a hand in the
archives! Discover
May's Story of the Month.
April 2018
Student of the Month
Agatha Crispie
is a loyal friend. She's always willing to go the extra mile, even if it means
traveling to unfamiliar lands with strange customs and impossible physics. Get to know
April's Student of the Month!
Story of the Month
Doll Flu.
There's a virus going around, but there's nothing to worry about. Just make sure to wipe
down your desks and pencils and resist the urge to have tea parties. Read about it in
April's Story of the Month.
July 2017
Student of the Month
Jess Gynn
is a refugee from another dimension. She enjoys making new friends, working out, and playing with the occasional ball of yarn.
July's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Lonely Bus.
Psychic High School supports public transportion, but some routes are only for experienced riders.
Find out how far you can go in
July's Story of the Month.
May 2017
Student of the Month
Ekaterina S.
has a part-time job at the Techno-Botanica,
but still finds time for school, friends,
and science magick. Meet
May's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Psychic Menagerie.
It's important to dispose of hazardous psychic
waste appropriately. If you're unfamiliar with
proper supernatural recycling procedures on
campus, read
May's Story of the Month.
April 2017
Student of the Month
is a quasi-helpful autonomous information system
that oversees vast amounts of data on campus,
and may have nothing to do with why your locker
combination keeps changing. Get to know
April's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Flying Bike Club.
It's that time of year when Psyhigh students
like to enjoy the weather and take their flying bicycles for a spin.
What could go wrong?
Find out in
April's Story of the Month.
March 2017
Student of the Month
Louis C.
has recently returned from a semester abroad,
living in a park as a mythological man-ape.
He's returned to learn more about himself,
and his people. Meet
March's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Trained Thoughts.
It takes skill and practice to truly
tame your thoughts. Are you interested in
taking it to the next level? Have you sewn
them costumes? Read
March's Story of the Month.
February 2017
Student of the Month
loves making new friends, cozying up next to a heater,
unhinging his jaw, and swallowing prey whole.
He's also strongly devoted an ancient snake cult.
Learn more about
February's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Biolet's Backback.
A backpack has gone missing on campus.
Have you seen it? Why doesn't anyone check the
Lost & Found anymore? Find out in
February's Story of the Month.
January 2017
Student of the Month
is an upperclassman, and the kind of student that others look to when they forget their locker combinations. Or begin to sprout wings and horns. Meet
January's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Astral Guidance Center.
If you enjoy spending time on giant space stations—and gaining valuable school credit at the same time—then sign up for an internship in
January's Story of the Month.
July 2016:
Student of the Month
works hard to keep a positive outlook on life. That's in order to save
the rest of us from the dark emenations that might otherwise ensue.
Read about
July's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Shadowy Business.
Shadow sewing circle, anyone? Stay cool with summer's hotest fashion trend!
DIY tips for looking your best. How's your shadow fitting?
Read July's Story of the Month here.
August 2015:
Student of the Month
enjoys hanging out on ceilings, prophetic dreams, and song writing. Is it poetry? Folk rap? Take a look and you'll see why she's
August's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Calling All Ghosts.
Do you feel left out of ghostly activities? Or are you a ghost left out of the activities of the corporeal? Psyhigh seeks to bring together the living and the dead. Be part of the solution!
Read August's Story of the Month here.
July 2015:
Student of the Month
is a ghost with a dark past, a talking cat, and a heart of gold.
Find out why he's
July's Student of the Month.
Story of the Month
Horsing Around.
Psyhigh has students from a wide range of backgrounds and georgaphic locations — including the Unified Horse Empire.
The UHE students love sharing their culture, making new friends, and have a delicious musky scent.
Read July's Story of the Month here.
November 2014:
Student of the Month
Helena Skye
first discovered her astral travel abilities growing up in a sensory deprivation community on the high plains of New North America.
She enjoys skiing, tennis, and being captain of the psychic forensics team, all from the comfort of a lead-lined tank in her dorm room.
Read more here.
Story of the Month
Digging Where You Shouldn't. Psychic High School has strange
neighbors, and maybe you shouldn't get too close to them.
Read more here.