Ms. Hazeltine
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Spring Term - 3/21/2025 10:11pmHappy Spring, students!
The annual Ostara Gala Revue and Dance has been a tremendous success. The giant chickens from the Coop of Baba Yaga were exceptionally prolific this year and the eggs were of an exceptionally generous size, and provided magnificent palettes for the ritual dressings. Congratulations to @
Angela Elkhorn as our Egg Painting Spring Royalty.
The giant chicks that emerged were equally impressive, and by the end of the dance none of the participants were deemed to have actual concussions. Congrats to @
Hadley Marshall for their dance wrangling lasso prowess!
And of course, the "Giant Chicken Egg on Face" award goes to you-know-who. No comment.
Here's to a fertile and productive Spring for all our students.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Spring Term - 3/2/2025 8:35pmHello students!
It's time to celebrate all our new students and the beginning of Spring Term with the announcement of the annual Ostara Gala Revue and Dance, held this year on Friday, March 21st, in Mezmer Hall. Festivities begin with the traditional waffle breakfast at dawn, followed by retrieval of the giant chicken eggs from the Coop of Baba Yaga, the blessing of the Paints, and the ritual Dressing of the Eggs. When the eggs hatch, the dance contest begins! Ask an upper-level student for suggestions on costumes and protective headgear.
And you know who should bring along very protective headgear? My FORMER sweetheart and continually overrated hollow earth cartographer @
Seketus Reed, who will be in town for a symposium with his harem of hot lava hussies and will no doubt attempt to make an appearance. Better bring your hardhat, Skeetus.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Winter Term 2024-25 - 2/1/2025 11:39pmJust a last minute reminder about the annual Teen Ice Giants Dance tomorrow night, outdoors at the frozen reflecting pools on lower campus starting at 7pm. There will of course be no heat or fires of any kind, so dress in your comfiest winter lux attire if you're not naturally cold.
Speaking of naturally cold, my emotionally frozen (and infuriatingly dashing) boyfriend @
Seketus Reed has informed me he will not be attending--some made up excuse about being trapped near the center of the earth again. How many times does he think I'll fall for that? As a result, I'll be chaperoning the event with, well, whoever I can arrange on such short notice.
Shave ice and cold cuts will be served. Music by very special guests the Northern Lights!
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Winter Term 2024-25 - 12/1/2024 11:05pmWelcome to Winter Term at Psyhigh for the 2024-25 school year. Also the 5125-26 (Kaliyuga year), 274-75 AE (Anthropocene calendar), 12024-25 HE (Holocene calendar), 7532-7533 AM (Byzantine calendar), 1446-1447 AH (Islamic Hijri calendar), 5784-95 AM (Hebrew calendar), 2567-68 BE (Buddhist Era), Renchen (Chinese calendar, Year of the Dragon), Reiwa 6 (Japanese Imperial Era), and the 13th Baktun, nearing the 14th Baktun (Mayan Long Count) school year.
You may remember that our attempt to include synchronization with extraterrestrial calendars became too complex in that students from planets with exceptionally short years demanded early graduation, and other students from long period planets were having to attend for hundreds of years, which is why the Psychic School Board now officially recognizes only terrestrial calendars. Put it in your calendar!
So, where were we? Ah, yes, the Reality Accident. Mobile classrooms and dormitories have been set up in the old bean field, potter's field, stoolball, rounders, and quoits fields to accommodate the influx of new students. Negotiation for the temporary use of the Corn Field are ongoing, and we hope to come to a peaceful resolution with the Scarecrow people very soon.
The quick fixes put in place following the last Reality Accident seem to have imploded, and the psychic weather report says it looks like the only way through this one is, well, through it. Which is why the school is committed to serving all refugees that come to our door, whether that means placing them in classes or finding them berths on the Psychic Underground Railroad.
But don't think our mobile dorms and classrooms are second-rate! We had help installing them from my on-again, off-again, often charming but sometimes detestable paramour @
Seketus Reed, who knows where to get deals on yurts and arctic expedition equipment. I am in fact heading out later this evening to his own model yurt, complete with fireplace, faux-fur rug, and ambient chill-out playlist where we can "try it out." Can't wait! Ha ha jk. Yeah he wishes.
So, welcome to Winter Term! Please take a moment to introduce yourself by clicking on the "Add a journal entry to Winter Term 2024-25" link at the end of the latest entry, and you'll be making psychic friends before you know it! Or at least people will know whether or not to keep their distance.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Back to School 2024 - 8/31/2024 11:41pmA new psychic school year is upon us already!
I swear I must be caught in some kind of time loop. Just this morning as I was on my phone during the annual Mircea Eliade Re-welcome Breakfast, I ran into pictures from last year's event and I was wearing the exact same dress! I really must be in some kind of rut.
Could that be why my dashingly infuriating gentleman friend @
Seketus Reed continues to avoid any serious discussion of our relationship? Am I just too predictable? Well, predictably, he's off on another of his psychic spelunking adventures with yet another group of young interns. Maybe I just can't learn new lessons.
But you can! Sooooo many new lessons to learn! And the first of those lessons is "Don't be shy" and "Be honest!" and "Tell them how you really feel, before it's too late!"
Just add a journal entry to this story to share it with the group.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Summer Session - 6/1/2024 1:59amA great big welcome to all our summer session students, as well as those compelled to attend through the summer as part of their probationary discipline, and those from entirely different time frames as well.
Summer is a very special time of year here at Psychic High School, when we experience higher temperatures than ever, as well as more intense storms, rains, and high wind. And that's really just our own fault, not even related to global warming! Except perhaps as a contributor.
It's also a more intimate time on campus, as our student body isn't quite as big as during the rest of the school year, and many students just lounge around on hammocks or hang out at the pool without attending classes at all. We are slowly identifying those students and sending them home as we find them.
So, don't be mysterious! Introduce yourself here so everyone knows just what you're capable of, and if protective clothing may be necessary to interact with you wherever you might "hang out."
Speaking of hanging out, I'll be taking a few weeks off this summer to attend Psychic Love Counseling Camp with that scoundrel of a psychic spelunker who stole my heart, @
Seketus Reed. I've given him one last chance to reconcile, and if this doesn't work for us he'll never dive this cave again.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Say Hello! - 3/2/2024 10:54pmWelcome new students! And returning students! As well as students emerging from their hibernation sarcophagi, those regrowing from seeds or stem cells, amnesiacs, somnambulists, and those who are mere fleeting thoughts being
dreamed by creatures from higher realities.
Psyhigh is a community of kindred spirits, and while many of us may enjoy hiding in our own dark caves, it's important to reach out to those around us and let them know who we are. At the very least it's important to
know exactly where they are and what your possible escape routes may be.
Speaking of hiding in dark caves, when we discover exactly where @
Seketus Reed and his so called "teaching assistant" are doing their "research," they may just find their own escape routes have caved in!
But for those of us on campus, let's let it all hang out and share a bit about who we are and just what brought us to Psyhigh, shall we?
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Small complaints - 2/22/2024 11:52pmDear students,
As you are aware, Psychic High School has had generally unrestricted dress code for many years. This is partially to accommodate the wide range of physical forms our students (and staff) have, but also because the supplier that made our specially resilient uniforms had to close due to supply chain issues.
While the school remains largely unafraid of clothing, we are temporarily banning the wearing of "green jeans," or "jeans that are green." The school has learned that the wearing of "green jeans" is a sign of being involved with a criminal cult that has recently been targeting our botanical students and staff, not to mention the landscaping.
Any student found wearing "green jeans" will be asked to remove them immediately.
Don't get caught with your pants down! And leave your "green jeans" in your drawers till this arc reaches its satisfying conclusion.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Who do you love? - 1/31/2024 11:40pmHello Students!
It's my most favorite time of the year -- when we are all given the freedom to express our true feelings to those we care most about! Whether they even notice can be a different affair, but I feel my sweetie @
Seketus Reed's ice is just about to crack.
And it's the time for us all to express our appreciation, love, and respect for those around us. It doesn't have to be as romantic as Seketus and I's special relationship. Indeed, how could it be? But we can all find things to love about even the most banal people around us, and it's good to let them know. Once a year, anyway.
So this month, use this space to give a shout out to your most favorite students on campus and let them know how much they're appreciated. And why!
It's our month-long electronic Valentines Spectacular. Post your kudos today.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Small complaints - 1/28/2024 10:24pmAs a matter of fact, @
Mr. Blume, there has recently been a rash of incidents of students emptying their soda on plants around school. Green Monster Energy, Fierce Green Apple Gatorade, Mountain Dew... Sprite....
We had thought this was just indicative of a growing lack of respect for our environment and an increasingly commodified relationship to beverage consumption. "Kids will be kids," you know.
However, campus psycurity now believes there is a sort gang of mad scientist youth behind this pattern of attacks. Or perhaps a cult. You were merely the most sentient of their victims so far.
But not to worry! I'm sure the Psy Corps has things well in hand! You needn't be concerned about it happening again, and of course your recent leaf loss must be entirely unrelated.
Make sure to drink lots of clean, fresh water, and enjoy some sun!
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
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