Astral Projection 101
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Alice Sheehan - 8/14/2016 9:49amAstral Projection 101
Here's a little introduction to astral projection. Most people can train themselves to do it, within a couple of years. However, most people have a link between their astral body (a term I use at the risk of sounding insane,) and their physical body that is so strong, they struggle to remain on another plane of existence for longer than a couple seconds. My link, unfortunately, is so tenuous that if I sneeze hard enough, I'm thrown somewhere new.
That being said, I don't want to talk about my case or experiences right now. I want to explain the basics of astral projection as it might relate to you, the reader.
Q. What is astral projection?
A. I would describe it as the act of the mind leaving the body. Your body is only a container, or sleeve which holds the mind, or everything that makes you, you. You are made of nothing at all. You are a concept, a collection of energy and emotion. You can travel across dimensions, but your physical form, your container, cannot. Most people live out their life chained to their physical form. However, those who astral project leave their physical body for a time, and go wherever they so please.
Q. Is astral projection dangerous?
A. Yes. There are three primary concerns, with astral travel: i) harming your mind, ii) becoming lost and unable to return to your physical body, iii) bringing a malignant energy from another plain into your life.
Q. Where can astral travellers go?
A. There are an infinite number of other realities to travel to. Any place you can imagine, and any place you can't, is out there.
Q. How long can astral travellers travel for, in one session?
A. Normally, for an accomplished traveller, half an hour at a time. Give or take. The physical body has a tendency to draw the mind back in, after too long.
I can't think of anymore questions. If you have some, maybe ... ask me? I'd answer them for you.
Again, thank you for reading.
Alice Sheehan - 8/14/2016 9:52amOh, here's one more.
Q. Can I astral travel?
A. Probably. Some people are better than others at it. I'm on one extreme end of the spectrum, the side that can't quite stay in my physical body when I want to. Most people are closer to the other side, the one where you couldn't train yourself to leave your body. The mind likes the safety a container offers.
Alice Sheehan - 8/14/2016 10:01amUm, it's spelled plane. Not plain. Sorry...
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