Class Announcements for Introduction to Astral Cal

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Miss Trimble
- 6/21/2024 6:23am

Hello All!
I am very excited to begin my Student Teaching this summer session here at Psyhigh! I am also a little nervous, as this will be my first time teaching a class with very little supervision, but since it is an introductory course in the summer, there is less pressure. Since it is my first class, I hope you will all understand any shortcomings as we make our way through this summer together. I look forward to teaching (and learning) with all of you!

~Ms. Trimble

Miss Trimble
- 6/21/2024 8:56am

Hello All!

Some brief announcements for the first day of class-

We /will/ be meeting in physical person for at least the first week, so if you want credit for attendance, please arrive physically and make sure you are in the correct timeline.

Class will be held in Subterranean Gym Room 5e every weekday. I have a morning and an afternoon class, so please make sure you know which one you are in.

Since it’s the end of the week, today will just be an Introductory class to the Introductory Course. You won’t need to bring anything besides yourself and a Mid Grade Harsh Wave Suppressor.

I look forward to seeing you all!

-Miss Trimble

- 6/22/2024 11:55pm

Gratitudes to @Miss Trimble for forming a support network for us new student teachers at Psyhigh. You are a *star* for sharing your stories and ideas!!! And for being someone I can talk to about the best ways to connect with all the amazing young people at Psyhigh.

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