I like Holo-pie.
Moon McGuffins! Tender Straights! Mixed -up Licorice Sandals.
how much is that doggie in the window, @
Nick Gleason?
reflected in the glass she looks just like me.
is this the mirror world pet center?
she shakes her hair
i shake mine
we exchange money and take each other home.
The feelings I don't have I don't have.
The feelings I don't have, I won't say I have.
The feelings you say you have, you don't have.
The feelings you would like us both to have, we
neither of us have.
The feelings people ought to have, they never have.
If people say they've got feelings, you may be pretty
sure they haven't got them
So if you want either of us to feel anything at all
you'd better abandon all idea of feelings altogether.