During reading @
Fawn 's heartwarming popsicle stick story, I imagined that feeling when licking the last bit of a popsicle. You know, like when the popsicle is mostly gone, and the vast majority of lick is tongue-to-stick contact rather than the more desirable tongue-to-popsicle kind; that rough grainy wooden texture is very unnerving, i can't stand it!
It's just a little pet peeve of mine that I remembered. Why hasn't someone made a popsicle where my tongue doesn't have to stroke something that feels so unpleasant? Maybe i should design a prototype myself. How about a glass stick? It would feel less strange, but it would be far too hazardous: what if it smashed? Glass isn't very environmentally friendly either. Soapstone could work, but it would be a bit of a hassle carving every individual popsicle stick into a smooth popsicle-suitable shape, not to mention the little jokes or riddles on the sides!
To anybody who studies something to do with the popsicle industry: I'd greatly appreciate it if you were to consider making a contribution to my ideas. Working together, we could make the world's best popsicle stick one day!
Much thanks, and best wishes.
I hear this a lot. Sometimes it feels like we're all just waiting for that brilliant popsicle specialist who will never return. In that event, there's a single solution:
We have to make some floating popsicles.
Hm, thank you for your proposal Raine! At first i had thought that a floating popsicle would be a brilliant idea, however i have just realised, wouldn't that make it just a floating ice block? Could you even call a stick-less popsicle a popsicle? Unfortunately, i believe the general consensus is that a popsicle is a linguistic variation of "ice lolly" which is described by the Oxford english dictionary as: "A confection, in the form of a piece of flavoured ice, or ice cream on a stick". And even if a stick were not a prerequisite for a popsicle, where would you write the joke on a levitating lolly?!
Of course, your floating frozen food idea could be used for other applications! It would be especially useful for handling the liquid nitrogen cooled ice-slushies from the canteen slushie machine; i've already seen a nasty freeze-burn from those blighters!
I've been thinking more about potential practical popsicle piece materials, but i really cannot come up with anything that fills the criteria i've created. I'll update when my thought train reaches it's next metaphorical destination.
Keep dreaming! (if you wish!)