Investigating Static Noise

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- 5/3/2016 3:13am

This morning, when I woke up, I heard this stranger nose. It was like a static type of nose. And there was no radio, no TV, no nothing on. Not even the light was on. It was so strange... perhaps maybe I could get some help investigating?

- 5/3/2016 7:13am

I started investigating the static noise. I haven't found anything about where the static noise could be coming from. But, I did start hearing other noises. Like, whispering, and screaming. But it wasn't any normal screaming. It was, quiet screaming. I was also hearing footsteps. And, they weren't mine.

- 6/16/2016 3:01pm

I can only tell you my experience with this subject. Because it happens! One day I was as the same situation as the one written above (everything off, alone and night). I suddenly heard a noise coming from somewhere next to my right ear. I freaked out a little. It was some kind of repetitive deep noise, like a radio station with no program. The sound went deeper, and I could feel it almost inside my ear... I happened a few times more before I started to think it was probably an audition issue... Until I realized it happened only at a certain time in the night, at a certain part of the house. No one else took the time to prove if I am the only one who can hear it or not. Some months later it became a very awful noise, like someone hardly breathing next to my ear... I'm not kidding at all, I just ignore it before I freak out and go somewhere else.
That's all I know for now about "static noise". I can advice you to buy some hand recorder or using a computer program and a microphone to record the static noise when it starts. Also try in different parts of the house to make sure it's not caused by the drainers or something like that.

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