Is this real

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- 2/6/2016 4:29pm

I can not believe I'm doing this.Is it even real or legal?!?!

Someone please tell me if I'm wasting my time!

SARA xoxo

- 2/6/2016 6:23pm

Yes it is real and legal in every world and separate dimension except one but we won't talk about that one. Just wait you'll love it here

- 2/16/2016 3:21pm

I'm honestly not sure I'm psychic at all, I just saw this online and thought it was funny

Big Jim
- 2/16/2016 10:58pm

Psychic youth are used to being laughed at. Maybe it's because our hair is on fire, or we're seen talking to goats. Often times our flippers or auras get caught in revolving doors or escalators, or a bus will drive through a puddle of leprechaun tears right next to us and we get drenched.

But we're used to that kind of thing. We know it's funny, and we accept it as our psychic lot.

So welcome to Psychic High School, @Buffy! This is what it's all about.


Big Jim
Student Activities Coordinator
Class of '99

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