(in a beat-up leather journal, written in a messy scrawl...)
Entry #1
tHis iz SCILPH's nEew JurnaL. I amm ScilpH tHe onwer of tHis jurnAl and THis is mY logg of maIi life awAy from PsYY hi. I haaVe nOT writTEn f0R yeEERs, BuT i am g0od At iT ha hA ha HA ha.
Jessica IS DoiG wElll i aM suure tat beeNg aWAy fRuM Psyy HI is MakEEng heRR bedDer; sHEE iz brEEtHinG maor an MAor. I AYm taekIng heRR to tHE laB WHErre I waS crEEAYted i haAve nO dOubTs tat DerE wiLL be SomEThinG fOR heR 2 hellP HErr B stRonGeRR. BlaakEE iz alSo dooInG wEll- hEE iS wAlkInG fAsterr tAn meE (annd he IZ cArriNg Jessica oN hIS BAcK-cArrefuly Of cooRsE) i gIIve hIM Ay NEEw STicKer eVry dAY fROm Jessica.
I havE fooND mANee CooRIOS tInGS aSwELL. dEre iZZ aY strAAnge PlaNT- taT iz fLuffEE aND whEn tEh WInd bl0Ws, SEeed-tHinGs FAlll ofF oF It anD FLYYEE AWAAAYY!!!!!!! I haEV heerd a cHiLD (frOM teH cItY Iam iN) tAt teY ARR cAlled "Dandee Rions"???? I hAev pEEked a fEww.
Tat izz all 4 TooDAy- I wIll Rite tOOmrow.