Spirit's Awakining - My attempted fail at a short
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Maximilian Matsubusa - 10/28/2015 6:30amHmmm. This whole... Psyhigh thing seems suspicious. I hope to gather intel for Team Magma, but so far nothing even remotely interesting, or even slightly fascinating has happened. Though, this is to be expected, as it is my first day here. Hmm... Perhaps I should not be writing all this personal information..?
Maximilian Matsubusa - 10/28/2015 6:33amSpiritseer popped his albino-white head curiously around the corner, Fatespeaker tugging relentlessly at his shoulder, doing her best to restrain him from going too far out into the open. This foolish action would get them both caught, and Fatespeaker knew that getting caught, would lead to their execution. Not that they'd be missed... But Fatespeaker still had much that she would like to do before her life ended, and being a Nightwing dragonet, her life expectancy was much greater than any other spices of dragon, giving her plenty of time to accomplish her life goals, as long as her clumsy little friend here didn't get her executed! Fatespeaker gave Spiritseer another sharp pull, this time sending him reeling back onto her. "Shhh!" She hissed at him, her forked purple tongue flicking in and out dangerously. Curiosity was outlawed in the Kingdom of Night, as was imagination and emotion. These things were considered "highly dangerous", "harmfully destructive thinking", and the most popular response when asked about said things was "highly illogical". The Kingdom of Night functioned completely on logic, anything that was not sophisticated and/or complex, was considered illogical, irrelevant, and was disregarded without hesitation. Logic was so important to Fatespeaker's kingdom, that they were even breed to have no emotion. Therefore, no one in the entire kingdom had emotion. This made Fatespeaker sick. How could anyone live without emotion? Why would anyone choose to live with out emotion? She couldn't even imagine living such a colorless, vague world. Which brings us to the fact that, Fatespeaker, and Spiritseer were the only Nightwings in 10,000 generations, to ever harbor such emotions. Which, personally, made Fatespeaker feel very special, in a good way. So, because of her special 'powers', she liked to call them, she felt the unempending need to bring these genetic engineer idiots to justice! She flapped her black wings, shaking off some off the cobwebs that had gotten stuck in them on their way down the dark, abandoned path that led to the Hall of Memories.
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