The Annual Science and Shapeshifters Dance

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- 10/16/2015 8:52pm

@Clawd is really hypnotic out there with his breakdancing. He's floating now... oh, my head, what is in this Nutrient Solution?
I met Kyle today. He is super sketchy, and I almost considered yelling at him for bringing cigarettes, but he wasn't smoking in the cafeteria, so it was ok, I guess?
@Sarah Tonin, your outfit is marvelous!
Somehow a Were Squirrel ended up as the Queen of Shapeshifters. She looks pretty as a human, but there is something up with those squirrels!
I am now holding hands with Omega. I am now promising to meet him again sometime. I am now being led out into the alleyway by Omega. I am now kissing Omega. I am now seriously making out with him. I am now waving goodnight to him. I am now hearing a commotion by the west wall, mainly in JavaScript.
Oh no, the third window on the west wall!

- 10/16/2015 9:58pm

; Next days function high class luncheon
; Nutrient Solution is served and you're stone-cold munchin'
ENTRY ; Music comes on people start to dance
; But then you ate so much you nearly split your pants

MOV r0, #10 ; A girl starts walking guys start gawking
MOV r1, #3 ; Sits down next to you and starts talking
( ADD r0, r0, r1 ; r0 = r0 + r1 )
LDR r1, =0x20026 ; Says she wants to dance cause she likes to groove
SVC #0x123456 ; So come on fatso and just bust a move

END ///// ; Just bust a move
END ///// ; Just bust a move

Sthephie Serpenthine
- 10/17/2015 1:33am

OKAY THAT DANCE WAS SMTH... My head is sssstill spinning and my hair is standing on end. (I blame the nutrient solution and the music) I hope they are ok, jfc. if my bbs are hurt, somebody go get @Neuman Grange and @Gene Sequins a bodyguard, becausssse all hell WILL break loose.

Hopefully they will return to normal once i feed em some mice... Unlike keratin hair, snakes take YEARSSSS to grow back.

Anyway uh. I met @Pearline at the dance, she's ssssuper outgoing and hardworking! I admire tht a lot in ppl. We were both watching @Clawd dance for a while. He's so dedicated to his art, omg.

It was pretty embarassssing though when a shapeshifter dude asked to dance with me. I was gonna let him down softly but my hair just HISSSSED at him straight away! He got so scared he turned into a cat and legged it... Tbh, it was pretty funny tho. Kay was grinning at the incident behind her mask for quite a while. Everything after that was kinda blurry. That was when i took some nutrient solution. Ugh. Science has gone too far lol

- 10/17/2015 2:05am

WOW!!!! last nights event was SO. AWESOME. looks like everyone had a #rad time

- 10/17/2015 2:16am

WELL AT LEAST afaik everyone got FUNKY!!! although i got so focused on my own funky flow i wasn't really paying attention to anything except the SICK BEATS, whoops lol

im SO GLAD everyone enjoyed my moves as much as I DO!!! my Special Fx that accompanied them were so.hype. i should totally make music vids or something
I GOT TO SEE @Sthephie Serpenthine there too, her hair was ROCKIN! she was with @Pearline , sorry i couldn't talk much LOL but i appreciate all the applause! id LOVE to like, get ice cream or something with you guys sometime!
hope you 2 are feelin better now cuz you ended up lookin kinda dizzy last night, did you eat something bad? maybe I like. accidentally made really flashy strobe lights or something LOL!!!!

- 10/17/2015 8:56am

Flashing lights are outside of the cafeteria. What's happened, they say as they get out of their sleek black cars. I cry, "Someone's been injured in the cafeteria!"
They get there and find wide-eyed psychic teens phoning their parents. Many are still dancing, unawares. And there's the scene of the crime: a shapeshifting student with a bite on his leg is muttering something in code. A translator mentions something about the New Machine. The third window on the west wall has been opened, and there's some hard code stuck to it.
The senior officer said, "Someone's tried to frame the New Machine."

- 10/17/2015 10:48am

Ok so....looks like i was uh, a little TOO caught up in my funky flow, cuz now im hearin that things have like, seriously gone BOGUS.

i still have like, no idea what's happening, but MAN, i am NOT feeling this at all, i mean, people are seriously FREAKIN OUTis

- 10/17/2015 11:11am

"We've eliminated some of the witnesses as suspects," the senior officer told me. "For example, it can't be you or your boyfriend [I blushed uncontrollably] because he left before it happened, and you were still outside. It can't be @Clawd, because he was dancing like crazy." That left the New Machine, @Pete the Girl, and- "THE SQUIRRELS!" I stood up, suddenly.
Now I was excited. "The Weresquirrels lurking around campus! They can turn into humans whenever they want, some of them are, like, six feet" The officers were a little concerned for my sanity. "Just ask Pete! She thought they were little werewolves." I directed them towards the confused Pete, who was trying to figure out why she couldn't leave the cafeteria.
Oh, I hope that shapeshifter is okay. I didn't even catch his name.

Kayla May
- 10/17/2015 1:09pm

Gosh! So sadly the annual shape shifter's dance turned out to cause some... Unexpected problems. I had my suspicions that something would happen, but I would never have guessed it to be caused by the little werewolves, oh, I mean, the shapeshifting squirrels. Well, I guess we don't really even know if it was definitely them yet, but I'm going to trust @Pearline because she seems super sure in her suspicions.

I'm not feeling too bad myself though, because I was considerably clear of the commotion for most of the evening. I went to see @Clawd dancing, and I must admit, it was most magnificently mesmerising indeed! He really was the life of the party for some time!

Oh! I approached @Gene Sequins and his huge historical soviet sound systems, too, but there were so many pieces of equipment and cables, connected and communicating that I couldn't really see any of the kit in detail. Never mind, though, maybe @Gretel could see something from the ceiling.

Also, as I was leaving, I saw @Viktoria who seemed confused at all the goings on. I think she's new; there have been a lot of new students recently. She's really lovely, but, since I was rushing back to cook something for Sthephie before she finished partying, I couldn't talk with her for long.

Anyway, I hope that the student who was bitten turns out okay...


Sarah Tonin
- 10/17/2015 9:58pm

I don't know what's happening to me. I've never felt like this before, but since last night, there have been these... changes in me. Like things are growing inside of me, and out of me. And weird urges. Urges like I've never felt before.

I think I got the shapeshifting virus. Is there a shapeshifting virus? Can you catch it?

I was with Kyle. And it turns out he's really sweet. By the end of the night we were, you know, kind of hanging out in the seats along the back wall? And he only smelled a little bit like cigarettes, and we were like, getting to know each other, and suddenly my tongue shoots out of my mouth and right into his ear!!! Like it had a mind of its own!!

That kind of freaked Kyle out. He had to get up and leave.

See? I think I must have the shapeshifting virus or whatever and it's starting to make weird things grow out of me. Does anybody else have this? What if it starts getting worse, and, I don't know, I start to do other weird stuff?

If I go to the infirmary and ask the nurse, will it go down on my permanent record? I don't know what to do. But it's still all @Pearline's fault.

I'm going to hide in my room the rest of the weekend.

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