To Bread, or Not to Bread

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- 6/17/2015 8:35am

Paper or Bread? That is the question. Why choose paper when bread may be utilized is so many fashions and styles con mucha comida? Although, why ever choose bread when paper contains endless possibilities con muchos cosas interesantes? The bread is almost necessary, though paper is possibly more relevant. Is this even a difficult choice? You decide. Or not, though, what fun is that? Does this even allow comments?

- 6/20/2015 2:31pm

@Ochvozhni in the question of bread vs. paper I (personally) prefer sprinkles. Of course bread does look cute on cats (thus the game "bread kittens" or at least, I think that's what it's called. I forget the exact name.) Although Claude doesn't agree with me about the bread. He thinks paper is the better of the two, but I'm not surprised because he has a habit of eating it, as well as batting it about the room. My roommate doesn't like this, especially when he tears out pages of her 'book'. Actually, she doesn't like him in general. I think he scares her.

But there you have it: in the bread and paper debacle, sprinkles are the clear winner.


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