When we watch Anime, I think she gets really self conscious. Sitting there alone in her cell, staring up at the ceiling, twiddling her hair, reading a book. I feel like she knows that we're watching her - even though we know that the camera is behind a two-way mirror, and she can't tell if it's on or not. Maybe she just assumes it's on all the time, so she puts on that affected air 24/7. Well, not when she sleeps.
Wouldn't you? Wouldn't you put on a show the whole time, just in case somebody was watching? Or would you just get so bored with everything that you couldn't care less. Maybe you'd assume nobody was ever watching. Which would be worse?
I find watching Anime hits too close to home. I prefer watching surveillance videos from the mall.
Funny story! Back at the school for Normals (although, back then I wouldn't have called it that), I had a friend who was dreadfully inclined toward Japanese culture, but hated anime. When my science teacher brought up Japanese culture we had a whole conversation, and then someone mentioned anime. My friend promptly stated, "Anime is so fake." Everyone agreed, and started to say things about their experiences with anime. My science teacher, obviously confused, asked, "Who's Anna May, and why is she so fake? It certainly seems like everyone has a connection with her." Mind you, he was eligible for retirement the year before. We were, without question, his weirdest class.
Anyway, I think watching Anna May-*cough* excuse me, anime- requires too much commitment.
My Mother was called Anna! She was really nice though. And real. I hope.
Anyway, I absolutely agree with you @
Pearline . Watching anime requires ridiculous dedication. And when you've been watching a superb series and you don't want it to end? That's the worst feeling ever!
I dont know if i'll ever be able to bring myself to watch the ending episode of Ultimate Uber Unicorn Shonin DX: Order Of Platinum Poltergeist Gauge II Redux. Firstly, call me a crybaby, but i really don't wanna know what will happen when Unicorn-san confesses his love to his magic police force partner, Robert. We all know that Bob won't love him back, but after all Unicorn-san has been through, I don't think I could cope seeing him upset. Which is certainly saying something, since normally I don't cry at fiction, and also the fandubbing does a lot to spoil the mood.
Also, last time I tried to watch the last episode, the psychic pyrokintetic patterns set my computer monitor on fire. That was not fun.