Yard Monsters

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matt diggums
- 9/7/2016 2:56pm

I ain't tryin to scare anybody, but there are big, BIG scary creatures outside. My mom is making me take care of the yard (I don't live in the dorms) and you think they're just plants and trees and whatever but they're NOT. They are incredibly slow moving life forms that are fixin to gobble us all up! I've seen 'em. Wicked, wicked things with tentacles and thorns reticulated bodies. We move so quick we barely notice 'em, but I am telling you, they want to take OVER.

I am dirty and need a shower but I'm tellin her I ain't goin back.

Crystal Rosethorn
- 9/7/2016 6:39pm

Hmm..interesting. I have noticed it at the Haunted Castle trip,monsters with eyes like fire and teeth like knives, so it's interesting.

- 9/7/2016 11:30pm

Aw, don't get yer britches in a knot about the trees and the ramblin' bramble, @matt diggums. Sure, they're methodical, and ferocious, and insidious if you get right down to it in terms of how they eat everything that decomposes. But we live in a symbiotic relationship. And, as you note, they are mighty slow. With the exception of the occasional angry pine tree army.

You could say we're born with an advantage, that we move and live so much quicker than them. If you moved at tree speed, you'd see the ivy rushing at your feet from across the forest floor and shootin' up your sides and stranglin' your branches quicker than you can swing a bough.

On the other hand, the trees see us come and go so quickly they can barely be bothered by our noise. They're just thinkin' about how good you'll taste when you're in the ground.

There's a song they sing at Tree Service back in Timberland to greet the trees, but they only do it once a year because it takes 18 hours.

Crystal Rosethorn
- 9/8/2016 5:44am

Oh i have sang the song before,i went there last year! Such fun especially when my hair turned into roses and vines,dunno but i was the only person who hair turned that way. My element IS nature. But i have also noticed the ghosts complaining about something in the woods while at the Haunted Castle trip. I MUST go investigate,anyone else coming? Or well anyone who can talk to ghosts,want to come help? Never go on an adventure alone!

Crystal Rosethorn
- 9/8/2016 5:44am

Oh i have sang the song before,i went there last year! Such fun especially when my hair turned into roses and vines,dunno but i was the only person who hair turned that way. My element IS nature. But i have also noticed the ghosts complaining about something in the woods while at the Haunted Castle trip. I MUST go investigate,anyone else coming? Or well anyone who can talk to ghosts,want to come help? Never go on an adventure alone!

Crystal Rosethorn
- 9/8/2016 5:44am

Oh i have sang the song before,i went there last year! Such fun especially when my hair turned into roses and vines,dunno but i was the only person who hair turned that way. My element IS nature. But i have also noticed the ghosts complaining about something in the woods while at the Haunted Castle trip. I MUST go investigate,anyone else coming? Or well anyone who can talk to ghosts,want to come help? Never go on an adventure alone!

Crystal Rosethorn
- 9/8/2016 5:52am

(I apoligize greatly for the repeats my computer doesn't have the greatest internet and ya...)

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