could use some help if you dont mind
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Tantan - 3/22/2016 10:29pmHey there
Yes, I'm that girl you all heard about who carries her dead relatives around with her, well you can't see them, but I can...they're basically flying around me all the time, not to mention the constant blabbering. (Ouch!) Granny Jenny just hit me for saying that, well she says hello too. Oh and did I mention they can help me talk to other people on the other side too? If you need help with that, I'm your guy! Oh, and nice to meet you guys :).
Miranda Ashdove - 3/23/2016 6:25amyou communicate with the other side? Tell this demon to get out of here! It's in my closet spreading evil energy around the place and I can barely see two fee tin front of me! I'm afraid he's going to cause more chaos, please help!
Jolie - 5/7/2016 11:43amNO WAY! I'm going through the exact same thing. Ugh, it's new to me, you see I kinda sold my cousin's soul to the under world by accident and they didn't want her powers... for they forced me to take them. Whelp.
Patrick - 5/10/2016 11:51amUm i might be able to help i dated a demon for a few years got interesting powers from her could i try
Miranda Ashdove - 7/17/2016 1:25pmNo it's fine, I got it out... But I've been finding some sticky black goo everywhere and it seems to be alive.
Add a journal entry to could use some help if you dont mind