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4/6/2016 4:06pm@
Guy Jester if you're looking for an introduction to golemancy i would be happy to teach you! just come over to my dorm some time.
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Sentience and Consciousness Programming - 4/5/2016 7:59pmi don't really know much about robots, but i'm pretty good with golems and other magical constructs, so i might be able to help with your investigations on robot sentience.
4/3/2016 2:11pmthanks to @
xiirth and everybody else who attended my experiment! all this blood will be extremely helpful for the golem i am building. i needed some blood so he will have psychic powers.
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4/2/2016 6:42pmalso i forgot to mention, you have to be there tomorrow around noon.
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4/2/2016 6:40pmthere seems to have been an influx of new arrivals, which is great! i've been needing some innocent, unknowing beings! if anybody wants to help me with a scientific experiment, please be outside dormitory 413 with your blood sample, a friend's blood sample, your mother's blood sample, and a pen so you can sign some waivers. i will pay $50 for everyone who shows up.
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The Alteration Society - 3/27/2016 9:19amdoes anybody know where the local supermarket is? i want to test out my new shirt's ability to toast bread, and when i try paper it catches on fire.
The Alteration Society - 3/26/2016 9:11amjust got my shirt back. it appears to have polymorphed into a small black cube, but other than that it fits perfectly! also it has four different settings for toast. thanks alteration society!
3/25/2016 4:03pm@
xiirth oh, sorry. that was mine. my runecrafting homework was to make a stuffed animal walk and do some other things like eating and jumping. it must have gotten loose and mistaken your leg for food.
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The Alteration Society - 3/24/2016 7:43pmmy shirt is 4 sizes too small. my sock is in the window. it's purple with little smiling penguins. if it falls out the window, please put it back.
Demon Disruption - 3/24/2016 7:20am@
Miranda Ashdove hey, i think one of your demons got loose. he stole my fire magic homework, so if i'm a a little late to class, that's probably why. also, he was looking in a mirror when i found him, so that's a bit worrisome.
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