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Twenty Minutes Club
5/12/2016 7:22am

Hello Everyone. Though I. Am Currently. In The. Basement, I. Feel That. We Must. Go To. Psyhigh's Upcoming.

Classnight. So We. Can Pull. A Crime. I Have. Heard That. At Classnight.

There Will Be. Guinevere's Magical. Coffee Cake. We Must. Get The. Recipe.

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5/12/2016 6:01am

@Conrad Mortis

I Am. Quite Sorry. My Hand. The One. That Is. Slightly Human. Colored.


The Key. Board. A Few Times. Sorry. For. The Three. Posts.

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5/12/2016 6:01am

@Conrad Mortis

I Am. Quite Sorry. My Hand. The One. That Is. Slightly Human. Colored.


The Key. Board. A Few Times. Sorry. For. The Three. Posts.

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5/12/2016 5:58am

@Conrad Mortis

Hello Friend. I Will. Listen To. Your Podcast.

I Feeel. Like I Know. You. From Another. LifETIME.

Do You. Mind Coming. Down To. The Basement. And Bring. Your Student. Handbook.

Cuz. I Am. Currently. Fully. Teal Colored. Even My.


Thank You. Dear.

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5/12/2016 5:21am

@Conrad Mortis

Hello Friend. I Will. Listen To. Your Podcast.

I Feeel. Like I Know. You. From Another. LifETIME.

Do You. Mind Coming. Down To. The Basement. And Bring. Your Student. Handbook.

Cuz. I Am. Currently. Fully. Teal Colored. Even My.


Thank You. Dear.

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5/12/2016 5:20am

@Conrad Mortis

Hello Friend. I Will. Listen To. Your Podcast.

I Feeel. Like I Know. You. From Another. LifETIME.

Do You. Mind Coming. Down To. The Basement. And Bring. Your Student. Handbook.

Cuz. I Am. Currently. Fully. Teal Colored. Even My.


Thank You. Dear.

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Big Brain in the Basement
5/11/2016 1:03pm

I Would. Check My. Student Handbook. However, It. Seems I. Have Left. My Student.

Handbook. At My Dorm. Room, Unfortunately. I Cannot. Find My. Way Out.

OH. Dear.

Big Brain in the Basement
5/11/2016 5:55am

Sorry Guys. For The. Lack Of. Talking, Recently.

Currently, At. The Moment. I Am. Occupied With. Something Here. At Psyhigh.

I Was. Wandering One. Of The. Basements Here. And I. Found Some. Teal Colored.

Slime All. Over The. Floor.

I Accidentally. Slipped In. It, And. I Got. It In. My Mouth. Because I'm. Not Smart.

I Think. Something May. Be Wrong. With Me. Now, Sadly. My Skin. Has Started. To

Turn. A Teal. Color.

Does Anybody. Have An. Idea What. Is Going. On. With Me.

Thank. You.

5/9/2016 9:35am

@Asteroidea yeah, uh, welcome to psyhigh though! sorry about the umm star queens, just uhhh ignore them, and ill help you around and be your friend

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5/8/2016 7:25am

sorry everyone uhh

i was stuck under my bed for a while


@Beck its okay dont worry

and @Kanji West if mr puppet umm loses his uniform i can always make another uh

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