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Wlmecoe! Wcelmeo! Welcmoe!
11/10/2016 6:39pm

Welcome Synod!
I arrived here unintentionally as part of a travelling head-in-a-jar transplant display quite recently. I'm glad to hear you don't consider the school pointless - in fact, it's changed my life! I now have a body and I've rediscovered my psychic power of drawing power from and giving power to others.
Best of luck fitting in here (though nobody truly does),
Phoebe :)

Human Head Transplant Series
11/1/2016 10:33pm

I'm still really disoriented and dizzy all the time without a body. I've been trapped in this jar for days now and I can't seem to get my head around (get it?) what is happening. @Gerald Foy and @A.R. Seem nice, I guess. It's not like I can't hear them talking to me, and about me, though. I just find it hard to reply and can't seem to move my head to do so.

I've also decided to take @Gerald Foy 's advice and look more presentable to increase my chances of getting a body. So for the first time in days, I blinked and attempted a smile. It wasn't my most attractive smile ever, but it was a start. Hopefully I'll be able to turn my head soon.

Human Head Transplant Series
10/8/2016 10:56pm

Head transplants? Sounds absurd... And strangely intriguing... How does it work I wonder?

Human Head Transplant Series
10/8/2016 12:08am

This is weird. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing here?

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