jessica moon
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The Bees and Beekeepers Spring Formal - 5/2/2015 3:41pm-AHEM- *blushes shyly* Um I have been thinking about who should be in the court for a while now and it finally hit me in a dream. Their faces came in shapes of honeycombs. Suits the bee theme eh? Anyways...
I am so excited to say the people I have picked out! I am even more excited about doing the waggle dance. I practiced obsessively like a firefly is drawn to light ..
Hehe I am proud to say my court members are:
Cassa N. Dra
Nova Toaster
Jackie Packerman
And lastly...
THE DAISY(s) : @
Atlantica or Pacifica
Please everyone try to wear the color yellow or black...(or both) in honor of the bees. I shall see you all there. I hope everyone at Psyhigh will attend.
It's Spring everyone! Time for the campus to come to life!
See you all at 8! (Please let the court come earlier so we can prepare). Hehe, this is going to bee amazing!
*smiles and sends out the letter as a giant paper airplane*
Jessica Moon
BRAIN BOX CONTENTS - 5/1/2015 9:13pmDear SweetListener,
I have a confession. *exhales deeply*
I am in the underwater room downstairs again...past curfew...
I know I could get in trouble but I couldn't resist. I am sitting here inhaling the freshly pumped oxygen, exhaling all the stress I feel, listening to the surreal ambiance of my heartbeat. I was drawing fish dancing with kittens. It calmed my mind to such an extent I started to daydream. Usually I have sad daydreams, but today I had traveled somewhere. Somewhere beautiful. *tear slips down cheek* I feel like I am slowly getting better, from this sadness I mean. Nemo keeps nibbling at the ends of my curls playfully. I like to make him chase it. He acts like a cat! Maybe Nova will get along with him...I will update about that soon. Anyways, something strange happened today. You know the little cabinet in my room? Well there was a box behind it stuffed with photographs and letters. It was from a past inhabitant I think! He is kind looking, with a cutesy half smile and brown golden eyes. One of the pictures showed him with a cat! *Eyes growing wide* ...and this cat strangely resembles Nova. I wonder what Psyhigh beholds. Not only does it help me find who I am, but it has a history I am determined to unravel.
Who is this boy? Where did Nova come from? What lies in the dark?
I guess its up to me to find out...
5/1/2015 9:00pm@
Congrats on winning student of the month! You deserve it so much. I hope it cheers up your sad spirits and I pray you are feeling better.
I want to throw a party for you, but I am kinda awkward around people. -sigh-
Butz, how are you feeling? Are you planning on celebrating? I heard student of the month gets free ice cream for the whole month! Will you get some? What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Also, do you read...what kind of books...and do you- sorry...I got a little carried away.
Sometimes I would like to read minds cause I want to know people. Especially someone like you. Hehe...
Have a splendid night,
I gotta get studying. (gosh I am too nocturnal)
With a too happy smile,
Jessica Moon
P.S How is blackie doing? And has Morris came and wished you congrats?
Connect a journal entry to this post
Huge warm welcome! - 5/1/2015 8:50pmHi!!! Umm...Sorry, I am a bit shy around strangers if you don't mind...
Welcome to Psyhigh Atlantica! (I noticed I was you writing)...and tell your twin I said welcome to her too. FIRST OFF YOU ARE BOTH VERY STRONG! I don't know how I could cope not being able to control my body for a while...sorry...I didn't mean to get personal...It is just astonishing! I promise I will give her a hug tomorrow. (maybe you can let her know a little in advance not to hit me)...with my lack of sun bruises show like tattoos on me. -hehe- I never met Tulka, but he sounds like a nice person to know.
Hey! You are not annoying at all! I love hearing about you. I want to keep hearing from you!
Um, I am soo happy you are enjoying yourself here. The outside world is a bit harsh for people like us but Psyhigh hugs you like home. I can't believe you tried to do all of the classes! I can barely take my Art class....and -blushes greatly- Thank you for complimenting me for my drawings. That was indeed sweet of you.
I am so looking forward to get to know the both of you. Perhaps we are in the same classes...maybe we will find out if I stop sleeping in haha. I do take lancing I believe and Cow language but I usually don't go to class. I make it up in the LIBRARY (Little itty book room and research yard). I am surprised my grades haven't dropped. Also, a little tip of advice with the teachers. If you make them food, add black pepper. It will go in your favor, trust mw. Ahh yes, Nemo! It is an honor for you to be reading my journal. You could befriend him if you like. He is a sweet dainty fish, but a bit mischievous at times...he will tug at your hair when you are studying.
I would really like to be best friends too. Psyhigh has been kinda lonely besides with scliph around. Perhaps we can go meet up at this nice tea place. Unless you prefer coffee, or soda, or um...Gobblejuice. (I find it strange tasting).
I have talked too much, dearly sorry...But I want to get to know you more!
*shyly smiles* Please respond back as soon as you can...and again a huge welcome to Psyhigh!
With hugs,
Jessica Moon
P.S ) Perhaps we can airplane mail?
It is almost 11 pm now and I am staring at you with impatience. Why is it when I need you the most you fail to work? What kind of trickery are you pulling on me. You see, I noticed when I do not need you to work your magic you do it just fine...but when I feel sluggish, sad, or tired beyond matter you dislike assisting me. *sigh*
Sleep has been a scary place for me recently. As school begins to pile on my shoulders like the continuous gargoyle sculpture the STONED club is making outside the school. Along with this, so have my feelings. I feel so worn out...As if a ghoul from a dystopian novel has eaten me, chewed me, and spit me up in a heap of bones and flesh. Or perhaps I feel like a mirror being repeatedly hit and smashed until cracks are all you can see...I lie in pieces now, staring at my little white cover over my bed. This dorm is slowly eating away at me again...and I am afraid the loneliness is taking something from me that will never return.
Why is it that grades determine who we are?
Why can't I lose myself in Psyhigh and focus on me and who I am.
That is the beauty of this school...I can nurture and feed my eternal tornado of thoughts and ideas inside. Pillow, I am sorry for my rudeness once again. I am just tired of being tired...Thank goodness the weekend is coming..I am craving the delicacy's of relaxation...and a lovely dance...
*puts feathers in pencil case quiver*
Looking for Scilph - 4/30/2015 3:58pmI checked everywhere with no avail! Where are you new friend. I know your past was hard...*pauses silently* but you must get passed it. Psyhigh is a place for new beginnings. A place where we can leave the normal world behind and develop our true selves. Maybe you need a break, but please take care of yourself. There is a new ice scream sqwabbalar shop in the 3rd cafeteria next to the hungry troll. It has this defroster milkshake that is transfused with endorphins. I will send you a get well card through paper plane mail. It will have a gift card in it. Please enjoy. Feel better.
With worried eyes,
Jessica Moon.
*Drawing of a sick kitten getting better*
-sorry I know you dislike cats-
Hope you rest with ease and try to focus on healing your inner chakras.
*gift card for 10 dollars*
^~^ have a purrrfecr day...
The Bees and Beekeepers Spring Formal - 4/30/2015 3:45pmI HAVE NEVER BEEN SO ENTIRELY SPEECHLESS IN MY WHOLE LIFE!
*written on a sheet of paper*
*lots of rustling and banging around* -AHA! GOTCHA!-
I found my voice -PHEW-
Sorry, it had ran off in shock.
I uh...well it took me a while to believe what I was seeing. (I had to rinse my eyes out, drink ice cold tea, blink maybe about 150 times, and take a nap just to realize it!) I had never thought I would win something so honorable! Especially since the dance revolves around bees. I know how important they are...they pollinate the lovely flowers and bring us sweet yummy honey. Thank you so much for nominating me @
Big Jim for I am in great awe. It may take a while for this "floaty" feeling to go away. Also, I suppose I should start practicing as I have no idea how to start it off.
I am so curious why you nominated me though...(I hope no one got hurt in the process). My friends sometimes say I have two left feet... *sweatdrop*
Again, thank you soooo so so very much. You have made my whole month. So far this is the best thing that happened to me at Psyhigh...(besides finding Nova of course).
With a permanent smile,
Jessica Moon
Looking for Scilph - 4/30/2015 10:56amSorry, I did not mean to spell your name wrong. Greatest apologies.
Looking for Scilph - 4/30/2015 10:55am@Scliph
Hey! Um are you alright? You haven't written an entry ever since your journal commenced shut down. Please respond, I am shuddering in fear from your lack of prescense.
The headmaster rejected my urges of having a water room but I suppose it is for the best. Nova sure wouldn't have enjoyed it...I am slightly disappointed as I drew an angry face on the public whiteboard in the 3rd Main Hallway....(someone drew a mustache on it later which of course upsets me further)...
But now I am calmed down.
So today class went by in a blur. Honestly, time had decided to go home quicker so he sped up the school day! Did anyone else see the difference...In my MATH (Mentality And Teaching Hallucination) class the second hand left a circular burn on the clock! The teacher had tried to stop it but with no avail...All the school's clocks might be replaced now as the numbers are unreadable.
Right now I am writing at my favorite time of day; Dusk. It is when the moon and the sun are both peeking from behind the sky curtain. It makes me feel so small yet comforted by the vastness of the universes.
I suppose I should get started on my homework...I have a feeling dark is the only thing I shall face tonight....Maybe I will return to the underwater basement downstairs though I am pretty sure Nemo and Nova will not enjoy one another presence. (fishes vs cats do not get along).
*Sighs and picks up my orange drawing feather*
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