Artie 9000

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Star Queens
7/8/2016 11:54pm

You all witnessed me burning my Inclusion Token today out on the landing fields. I've renounced my citizenship in the Galactic Confab, and have decided to remain and meet my kelazanome here on Earth.

The complete iknabitab of the entire Galactic Confab makes me khurdel. And it's not just the leadership in the distributed waknob, and the interstellar media, but the attitudes of the members of the Extraterrestrial Student Alliance that I once called friends. The impending baliskitnoz of planet Earth has no more meaning to you than an ansible soap, or the latest four-dee destination.

Being an exchange student at Psyhigh has made me gerfunkel the value of all life forms, even those not part of the Great Showering. If we are this cahoules and mkdfrnc to their existence, we can not fully know our own, and our spearowling mega-civ is doomed to retinify.

I make my pekulalemz here on Earth.

Star Queens
6/21/2016 2:39pm

I am getting kurzier and kurzier with the slompnatch attitude of the Extraterrestrial Student Alliance concerning the upcoming destruction of planet Earth. Didn't being an exchange student on Earth teach you anything about carompiness? Or being more howizineb to other life forms?

It's that same attitude that skrkztxs the entire Galactic Confab. Whether you're a Grand Nanal or in the Ooouuieiiua Party, nobody is really looking out for the inalienable rights of the kitchiboo - the "little guys" who are in the Galactic Confab whether they know it or not.

I'll be out there protesting when the Space Arks arrive - I'll be the purple starfish-shaped hermaphrodite with the sign that says "XTRICHII NOW!" I encourage everyone to join me.

Star Queens
6/6/2016 6:50pm

As a resident alien attending Psyhigh, I'm flurmungled at the lack of hyrectisin concerning the imminent destruction of the Earth shown by the Extrterestial Student Alliance. Even if there are billions of other inhabited worlds, don't we believe in the inherent geredestrung of every single one of them? If we can't help avoid this kereptsnog, at least we could show a bit more cricrinelia?