Athalia Maier
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4/14/2016 1:32pmHello, my name is Athalia. I am a 17 year old psychic teenager. I live with my mom and my brothers. I believe I came about my psychic abilities when my dad left us. I don't know if he is dead or alive, but I do know that him leaving has been the greatest thing ever. I know that seems harsh but I didn't realize how much of a dark stormy cloud he was until he was gone. It was like I was being held underwater and I was finally able to come up to the surface to breathe air again. Soon after he left, I realized I could see the energy auras around people. Everyone has different aura colors and sometimes these aura colors change when they make an important life decision. These auras also give me an idea of someones mood. When someone has a deep red aura, I sense that they are experiencing rage or anger. When I see a deep blue aura, I sense that they are deeply depressed. The deeper the color the more intense the emotion is. The lighter the color the less intense the emotion is. The only aura I haven't been able to sense is my own, but then again I shouldn't need to.
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