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6/29/2015 1:05pm

Heya! Nice to speak to you! I-
Oh, hold on, one second, let me just...

Hey. I'm Caleb.

And I'm Cayleigh. Well, sort of.

Allow me to explain.

Actually, allow ME to explain. We're both the same person. Sort of. We're different people, but we're the same person.

Wow, well done.

Shut it! It's not like we're both here at once, like Siamese twins or anything. I just kind of change sometimes. I have two souls.

Oi! You embarrassed of me or something?

No, I just thought it would be easier to say it like that.

C'mon, tell the story properly.

Fine! I have one soul. But my soul changes.

That's better.

Shut it, Caleb! Anyway. Sometimes I'm me. Then sometimes I'm that absolute idiot-


- Caleb. I switch very frequently. I know, I know, not exactly psychic, just some weirdo with disassociative personality disorder. But...

My body changes too.

Obviously you can't see me, but apparently my soul has something to do with my genes too, because I change appearance depending on my soul. If I'm feeling RUDE and OBNOXIOUS-

Stop it!

-I'm of the male sex, that being Caleb. And then when I feel like this, I'm of the female sex.

And it's not just gender that affects my appearance. So does my mental state. My emotion, my sanity -

- Sanity? Seriously?

- etcetera. I change depending on my situation. This means that I'm constantly changing. Luckily, the drastic changes only happen when I'm actually talking, so there aren't many instances of switching in front of... you know, people who aren't like us.

For example, when I'm particularly happy my skin will be paler. My hair will be more light and fluffier, my eyes brighter, and, uh, shorter. When I'm prticularly sad, my hair droops and goes dark, by eyes go dark, my skin gts kind of red and blotchy, etcetera.

And I'm mostly the same.

Some people call me a 'living chameleon'. I kind of agree, to be honest. Chameleons change colour based on their mood, not their surroundings, contrary to popular belief -

Stop with your fun facts! THEY AREN'T FUN.

Jeez, calm down.


Great, now Caleb's angry at me. I should probably go. Bye!


Ahem, bye.

Why do you always get the last word?

Because I'm better than you. And my hair is longer.

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